Students using SafeWalk

Security Supports & Services

Providing a Safe and Secure Environment

Security personnel at the college help to ensure a safe, welcoming environment for everyone on campus. Please feel free to approach security staff—we're here to help! We provide many services and assistance to our students, staff and guests.

SafetySmart App

SafetySmart is the official safety app of Assiniboine College. It is the only app that integrates with Assiniboine's safety and security systems. The app will send you important safety alerts and provide instant access to campus safety resources. SafetySmart features include:

  • Emergency College Contacts
  • Friend Walk. Send your location to a friend through email or SMS on your device. Once the friend accepts the Friend Walk request, the user picks their destination and their friend tracks their location in real time; they can keep an eye on them to make sure they make it safely to their destination.
  • Report a tip to College security.
  • Share map with your location
  • Security Supports & Service:
    • Access resources that security personnel provide to ensure a safe and secure environment.
    • College Calendar
    • Parking Information
  • Campus Maps
    • Campus Map
    • Crime Mapping
    • Transit Map
  • Emergency Plans: Campus emergency documentation that can prepare you for disasters or emergencies. This can be accessed even when users aren’t connected to Wi-Fi or cellular data.
  • Safety Notifications: Receive instant notifications and instructions from Assiniboine Community College safety when on-campus emergencies occur.

Download today to ensure you’re prepared in the event of an emergency.

Google PlaystoreApp Store

Safe Walk

Security staff will walk you to your car on campus or in the neighborhood. Just ask!

  • Victoria Avenue East campus – Visit the security kiosk or call extension 7777 or direct at 204.725.8746.
  • North Hill campus – call extension 7778 from a college phone or direct at 204.725.8747
  • Parkland campus – Visit the security kiosk or call extension 6559 or direct at 204.622.2222 ext 6559.

REES Partnership

Assiniboine has partnered with REES (Respect, Educate, Empower Survivors) to provide online reporting for sexual violence on campus. REES allows members of our campus community to create a record of the incident and provides multiple reporting options: Anonymous Report, Connect to My Campus, Report to Police, or Repeat Perpetrator Identification. REES provides information about campus and community-based resources such as sexual assault centres, healthcare, and support services.

REES logo includes a speech bubble to the left of the image, with r e e s to the right and "A Safer Community by a Community the Cares" below.

REES can be accessed online anywhere, anytime. Click below and select Assiniboine Community College from the drop-down list.

Learn more about REES Make a Report

Respectful Campuses

Assiniboine is committed to a respectful learning environment for all students, faculty, staff and visitors. To learn more, please see the college’s Respectful College and Sexual Violence Policy, or contact the Respectful College Coordinator at

Certified in First Aid and CPR

In the event of an emergency, you should first dial 911 (9-911 on college phones). Security personnel are trained in First Aid and CPR and should also be notified during an emergency if safe to do so.

Vehicle booster service

In the cold winter months, you may need a jump to get your vehicle running. Ask security for a hand; they have booster kits on site.

Lost and found

If you come across an item someone has left behind, take it to security. If you’ve misplaced something on campus, head there to see if someone has dropped it off.

College information and room directions

Security can direct you to a room location if you’re unsure of where it is on campus.


If you are in doubt about where to park, the rules related to parking, or you find that someone is parked in your spot, Security is there to help you to the best of their ability. Security is tasked with parking enforcement at most Assiniboine campuses and can assist with any issues related to parking.

Learn about parking availability and pricing.