smiling student in class

Student Finances

Don't let the cost of education hold you back. Everyone should consider applying for financial aid--chances are you're eligible for some support! You can receive funding from more than one source, so do your research and ensure you apply to all possible sources.

Need a little guidance? Contact our Financial Aid & Awards office at 204.725.8700 ext 6020.

Government student aid

Visit for Manitoba or search for 'student aid' online to find information for your home province. Some funds may even come in the form of non-repayable grants: money you don't need to pay back.

The Manitoba student aid program changed in 2018. Even if you weren't eligible before, you may be now. The application process has also been simplified. Check out how to get started on their website.

In Manitoba, provincially funded student loans are interest-free and you don't need to start repaying until after you finish your studies.

Assiniboine Community College students may be eligible for financial assistance through various government programs. Each province, in partnership with Canada Student Loans, has a student aid program that all students in need of financial assistance are encouraged to apply for. Students who live in Manitoba at least one year prior to beginning their post-secondary studies can apply for the Manitoba Student Aid program. Students who have not lived in Manitoba for one year prior to starting their post-secondary studies will apply through their home province.

Scholarships and bursaries

Around $200,000 is available for ACC students every year. Deadlines vary, but they are always after college starts. Visit the student aid and awards page to learn more.

Employment Manitoba

Financial assistance is available through Employment Manitoba. Visit their office to speak to an employment consultant and discuss options for funding.

Students may be eligible for assistance through Employment Manitoba if they have a current or previous Employment Insurance (EI) claim, are in receipt of Provincial Employment and Income Assistance (EIA) benefits or are underemployed or about to lose their job. Potential students are encouraged to contact an employment counsellor to review options prior to starting post-secondary studies.

Other funding opportunities

Aboriginal students are encouraged to contact their local band education authority, tribal council, or regional Manitoba Metis Federation to discuss funding opportunities and sponsorship. In most cases sponsorship funds are limited, so potential students are encouraged to apply early. Sponsored students may also qualify for government student aid.

Assistance may also be available from other agencies for individuals with physical disabilities, injuries or learning disabilities. All students are encouraged to apply for as many sources of financial assistance as possible. Many will qualify for more than one source of financial aid.