Assiniboine Cougars

Cougars Athletics

Latest Cougars Athletics News

Designing Our Spaces and Places

Have you ever wondered who is responsible for building our roads, bridges, highways, and other infrastructure? Civil technicians are the hands-on members of civil engineering teams—the folks...

Prairie Innovation Centre sees $100K bump from Murray Auto Group and family

Assiniboine Community College’s Prairie Innovation Centre for Sustainable Agriculture has received a generous contribution of $100,000 from Doug and Laurie Murray and the Murray Auto Group, both long...

Top Reasons People Use the Library (Hint: None of them Involve Signing out Books)

It’s true. People use the Assiniboine library for a lot of other things other than signing out books. Now, of course, you can use the library to do just that—we have a ton of books, a great big room...

From Hanoi to Brandon: Soccer helps Nguyen find a place in his new home

When Huy Nguyen relocated to Canada from his hometown of Hanoi, Vietnam in 2018 at age 16, he did so alone, leaving his family 11,803 kilometres behind, as the crow flies. After completing high school...

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