Generic banner with one of the buildings at the North Hill campus.

Board of Governors

About the Board of Governors

Assiniboine College is governed by a Board of Governors as legislated in the Colleges and Consequential Amendments Act of the Province of Manitoba, Canada. The Board is responsible to the Minister of Economic Development and Training and governors are appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

The Assiniboine College Board of Governors considers itself to be a policy board and has adopted a governing style that emphasizes outward vision, encourages diversity, provides strategic leadership and that clearly distinguishes between the work of the board and college staff. The board is responsible for establishing college policy, developing the long-range vision and mission statement, ensuring effective and efficient management of resources, and maintaining communication with the community the college serves.

Board Governance HandbookBoard of Governors meeting minutes

For Board of Governor's specific inquiries please contact:

President's Office
Assiniboine College
(204) 725-8700 ex. 6611
[email protected]

President's Expense Policy

As per the college's Policy F38 - President's Expenses, approved expenses by Assiniboine's Board of Governors will be documented on the President's Expenses page.

Our Board of Governors

Ruth Mealy - Chairperson

Ruth retired as a provincial economic development specialist in 2018 where her work focused on developing Community Economic Development programs and resources for rural and northern communities. She was a board member of the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation and is an honorary life member of the Economic Developers Association of Manitoba. Since retiring, Ruth has been a consultant in economic development for many communities and agencies across the province. She was councillor and then reeve for the Municipality of Grassland council from 2016 – 2023, and resides on the family farm near Minto, with her family.

Jan Chaboyer - Vice Chairperson

Jan Chaboyer, of Brandon, Manitoba, is a retired Purchasing Manager who spent over 35 years at Brandon University. Prior to her retirement in 2022, she served as a Brandon City Councillor for 12 years and was appointed Deputy Mayor in one of her terms. Jan also held the position of President of the Brandon and District Labour Council for many years. Presently, she is active in the community on the Brandon University Pension Board of Trustees, Board member of the Park Community Centre, and a member of the YMCA and the Brandon Garden Club.

Jennifer Bone - Board Member

Jennifer Bone is an Indigenous woman (Dakota) and is the former Chief of Sioux Valley Dakota Nation. Prior to becoming Chief, Ms. Bone served as an elected Council member for eight years. She is an active community member, a member of the United Way Indigenous Advisory Council and former Chairperson of the Brandon Urban Aboriginal Peoples Council. She is a recipient of Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal and a YWCA Women of Distinction Award for Social Action and Community Service. Ms. Bone is an alumna of Assiniboine College with a Business Administration diploma specializing in Management and is currently working towards completing her Master of Business Administration.

Mona Cornock - Board Member

Mona Cornock is a Professional Home Economist who has worked in rural community development across Manitoba and internationally throughout her career. She has served on various boards and organizations including the Keystone Centre Board of Directors, the Wheat City Curling Club, the Canadian Society of Extension, the Manitoba Home Economics Association and the Agriculture Institute of Canada.

Randy Daley - Board Member

Randy Daley is currently a Councillor with the City of Dauphin completing his first term in office. Randy brings with him extensive experience in community and economic development. Following a successful 25-year career with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Randy transitioned into economic development roles including being a Facilitator with Workplace Education Manitoba for 15 years and the Executive Director of East Parkland Economic Development for three years. Randy believes strongly in giving back and has always been an active member in the sports community. He held the role of GM/President and Governor of the Dauphin Kings hockey team for 16 years and co-chaired several initiatives to bring national large sporting events to Dauphin.

Lisa Huston - Staff Representative

Lisa is the is the Industry Liaison and Work Integrated Learning Coordinator in Assiniboine’s Peters School of Business, helping students coordinate work practicum placements with industry partners in Manitoba. She began her career at the college 15 years ago and has had the opportunity to work in a variety of roles and departments - most recently as Alumni Relations Coordinator in the Advancement Department for the last 10 years. Prior to working at the college, she was a Marketing Manager at MNP in Brandon, MB.

Amanda McGregor - Board Member

Jody Parsonage- Board Member

Jody Parsonage was employed as Secretary-Treasurer for Tiger Hills and Prairie Spirit School Divisions for 20 + years. She served as a regional representative for the Manitoba Association of School Business Officials. She resides on the family farm and owns Air Greenway Ltd, an aerial spraying company. Jody is an active member of the Waves of Hope dragon boat team as a paddler and treasurer.

Ketan Patel - Board Member

Ketan Patel is a Real Estate Agent in Brandon. Ketan is originally from India and initially settled in Toronto in 2013 before making Brandon home in 2014. He is an active participant in East Indian cultural groups, as well as the Westman Cricket Association and Pitch Burners Cricket Club. He has previously been employed by Westman Communications Group in Brandon in the roles of Network Operation Centre Analyst, as well as Broadband Systems Technician. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree specializing in Advanced Accounting, Management and Economics from Gujarat University in India.

Tere Stykalo - Board Member

Jimmy Teichroeb - Student Representative

Jimmy Teichroeb is the current President of Assiniboine College Students’ Association and the student representative on the Board. He is a second year Media and Communications student within the Peters School of Business. Originally from Winkler, Jimmy relocated to attend Assiniboine. He is an active member of the community and currently volunteers with WCGtv in Souris.

Jeremy Wilkinson - Board Member

Jeremy Wilkinson works for the Canadian Federal Government in Manitoba as a manager. Before this, Jeremy worked in the hospitality and construction industries in Brandon. Jeremy has been on the Board of Prairie Skills Inc. for 10 years, which oversees Employment Skills and Development Canada for the Southwestern Manitoba area. He is a proud graduate of Assiniboine College.