test sitting on a desk

Test Centre

A Quality and Academically Secure Testing Environment

The Test Centre offers students and staff a quality and academically secure testing environment which enhances overall learning, achievement and student/customer satisfaction. This centralized testing facility improves the quality, security and academic integrity of assessment administration at the college.

The Test Centre provides invigilation (proctoring) services for on-campus students to write missed tests/exams and testing for students with approved accommodations through Accessibility and Disability Services. Distance Education students who are within driving distance to Brandon are asked to write their exams in the Test Centre. The Test Centre is a member of the National Testing College Association and the Canadian Higher Education Testing Association.

If you are preparing for a test and need some tips, you may want to check out The Learning Curve.


Victoria Avenue East Campus - Brandon

Staff are qualified to administer exams from other post-secondary institutions, certification exams from online testing providers and timed typing tests.

Contact info:

204.725.8700 ext. 6700
[email protected]
Room 223-I, 1430 Victoria Avenue East
Brandon, MB R7A 2A9

Book a test in Brandon

  • Monday | 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Tuesday | 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Wednesday | 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Thursday | 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Friday | 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Parkland Campus - Dauphin

The Test Centre only provides services for on-campus or distance Assiniboine students and does not administer exams from other institutions.

Contact info:

204-622-2222 ext. 6597
[email protected]
520 Whitmore Avenue East, Dauphin MB R7N 2V5

To book a test in Dauphin, call 204-622-2222 ext. 6597.

Services for Students

Distance Education

Some assessments such as tests and exams, may require invigilation. In those cases, students are required to make their own arrangements for invigilation and any applicable fees will be the responsibility of the student.

Students within a reasonable driving distance to Brandon can write their exams in person at Assiniboine College’s Test Centre.

For areas outside of Brandon and across Canada, other educational institutions may agree to provide test invigilation services. Please use the following website to locate other invigilation services. Invigilation fees may apply and will be responsibility of the student.

Providing adequate advanced notice is critical for Distance Education testing. The Test Centre asks for 1-week notice to schedule a test but will allow for 4 working days’ notice to book the test (e.g. Monday for Thursday evening).

How to write a Distance Education test in the Test Centre:
  • The student contacts the Test Centre to schedule their test. They need to include their student number, course name, instructor’s name and test type (e.g. midterm).
  • Test Centre staff requests the test from the instructor through an Outlook calendar invitation.
  • The instructor emails the completed Invigilation Form and test files to the appropriate Test Centre email.
  • Tests are received 24 hours before the scheduled start time. Test Centre staff contacts the instructor by phone if the test is not received.
  • Students must contact the Test Centre if they need to reschedule. The Test Centre notifies the instructor with an updated meeting invitation.
  • The completed test, files, and Invigilation Form are scanned and emailed back to the instructor within one working day. The original test is either sent by Canada Post or held for 30 days and then shredded.
On Campus

Missed tests and rewrites — Instructors are able to schedule an alternative time and date for students to write their test in the Test Centre. To maintain the integrity of testing, this may be accommodated on short notice.

How to write a missed test or rewrite in the Test Centre:
  • The instructor communicates with the student to determine when the student should write their test.
  • The instructor checks availability, books the test, completes the Invigilation Form and either emails or brings the test package to the Test Centre.
  • The instructor must approve rescheduling or cancellations.
  • Test Centre staff follow the directions on the Invigilation Form to return all test materials.

Supplemental Exams — The Test Centre follows the procedures in Policy A8 Student Evaluation and Progression. The process of scheduling the test is the same as on-campus instructors (see above). The student must provide the Application for Supplemental Examination form and proof of payment (receipt) before the test is written.

Accessibility/Disability Testing Services (ADS)

Some students with disabilities face barriers in the testing process. The purpose of testing accommodations is to give a student equal access to the testing process by altering the test’s administration. These changes can include test delivery (e.g. having a reader, Braille or large print), student’s response method (e.g. having a scribe or using assistive technology), and test scheduling (e.g. private space, breaks or extended time). The content or core requirements are not altered; rather, the student is given an opportunity to better demonstrate their knowledge and understanding.

Student Success Advisors can approve test accommodations if appropriate documentation is provided and after meeting with the student. The student and their instructors will receive a confidential accommodation letter outlining the student’s accommodations and an appendix for more detailed information regarding the specific accommodations listed for the student.

Should the instructor have any questions or require any assistance regarding the student’s accommodations, they should contact the SSA and/or review the college policy A3, Academic Accommodations.

To write an accommodated test in the Test Centre:
  • The student completes the request for accommodations on the TCAR form and submits to the Test Centre.
  • The Test Centre schedules the test in Outlook and sends an invitation to the student, instructor, and invigilator (if required).
  • The instructor will then attach the test to the Test Centre Invigilation form and send it to the Test Centre.
  • The method of test return is the same as the On-Campus or Distance processes.
External Testing Services

The Test Centre offers testing services to business, colleges, universities and professional associations in a secured, monitored environment. The College can accommodate online, computer based or paper based testing for individuals or groups.

How to book a test from another institution to write in the Test Centre:
  • The external student will book the test online or email [email protected] and request their test be written between 1 and 3 weeks in advance. Personal information is given to create an account for payment when scheduling.
  • Test Centre staff fills out Invigilation Approval Form, if applicable, and return by email.
  • The institution sends the test to the Test Centre and it is stored securely until the test is administered.
  • The external student pays the testing fee upon arrival.
  • The completed test is returned as directed by the institution.

Current Assiniboine Students Taking Courses from Other Institutions — Students who are currently registered and taking courses in a full-time or part-time Assiniboine College program are eligible to have the external test invigilation fee waived for external tests they write at the Test Centre. Please note this only applies for the duration of program. Applicants and alumni are not eligible for the waived fee. In order to qualify for the waived fee, a student must present their valid Assiniboine student card on the day of their test.

Current Assiniboine Employees Taking Courses from Other Institutions — Full-time or part-time Assiniboine employees are eligible to have the external test invigilation fee waived for external tests they write at the Test Centre. This only applies for the duration of their employment at the college. Therefore, retirees and former employees are not eligible. In order to qualify, the employee must present their valid employee card on the day of their test.

External invoiced exams — After the test has been completed, the original email request is forwarded to the Finance office with the test taker’s name. An invoice will be generated and sent to the institution’s contact person.

External typing tests — Typing tests include three, five minute timings on the Keyboarding Pro software. A letter indicating net words per minute and a copy of your keyboarding printout are provided at the end of the testing session.

Testing Fees

  • Testing for external institution: $52.50 for the first 3 hours, $15.75 per hour thereafter (tax included)
  • Typing Testing (wpm): $26.25 (tax included)
  • Admissions testing: $25.00

Our on-campus and distance education students are not required to pay for the services of the Test Centre.

For more information on all the services we offer email [email protected] or call 204.725.8700 ext.6700 or 800.862.6307 ext. 6700.

What to Expect

Role of the Student
  • Observe Assiniboine's A25 Student Honesty and Integrity policy.
  • Arrive on time for scheduled test.
  • Show a valid government/Assiniboine photo ID (student card or driver’s license).
  • Have computer ID and passwords if required for online tests.
  • Bring only what is allowed and required for the test. Personal items may be stored in the lockers provided.
  • Students are not allowed to bring electronic devices or pencil cases into the testing room.
  • Students are allowed a short washroom break, unless otherwise indicated on the Invigilation Form.
  • Respect other students’ sensitivities by minimizing noise and other disturbances, and refraining from wearing heavy scents to which others could be allergic or sensitive.
  • Do not communicate or attempt to communicate with other students once the test starts.
  • Comply with the invigilator’s requests and directions. A student who does not comply with such directions may be asked to leave the Test Centre before they have completed the test.
  • If you are preparing for a test and need some tips, you may want to check out The Learning Curve
Role of the Invigilator

All Tests:

  • Show courtesy to students, while safeguarding the integrity of the test materials and process.
  • Start and end the test on time.
  • Provide an appropriate degree of invigilation.
  • Ask students to present their government/Assiniboine photo ID card.
  • Ensure students have access to only the materials, devices and resources allowed for the test.
  • Have students store all large items (such as coats and bags) in central location. Students may store valuables, such as laptop computers and purses, in a locker provided.
  • Remind students that they are not allowed to bring electronic devices or pencil cases into the testing room.
  • Assist students in any way that does not affect the integrity of the test.
  • Permit only one student to leave the testing room at a time to use the washroom.
  • In the event of an emergency, direct the student to leave all test materials in the Test Centre and evacuate the building in an orderly manner.
  • Test Centre staff will obtain assistance in the event of a disturbance, confrontation or health emergency.
  • Preventative measures will be taken to ensure academic integrity.
  • Ensure test and materials are accounted for before a student is allowed to leave the Test Centre.

Online Tests:

In addition to the invigilator responsibilities outlined above, invigilators of online tests shall:

  • Enter the password for each student; do not give the password to the student to enter.
  • Direct the student to save his/her test often.
  • Assist student with technology malfunctions. If troubleshooting is not successful, notify the instructor and the student will need to write their test at a later date.

Academic Dishonesty:

If the invigilator suspects or witnesses academic dishonesty, they will:

  • Make careful observations and, if possible, have another staff member confirm those observations.
  • Collect evidence by doing screen shot of camera footage and/or screen shot of computer monitor.
  • Stop the test. Explain that an incident of academic dishonesty was witnessed. Confiscate any items that are not permitted in the testing room. Print browser history and close internet browser if applicable.
  • Inform the student the incident will be documented and the instructor will be notified.
  • Allow student to complete the test, if they choose.
  • Complete the Test Centre Incident Form (make a copy for Test Centre records) and give to the student when they are finished their test.
  • Report the incident and provide evidence to Instructor by email.
  • When the instructor confirms there has been an infraction, complete Academic Incident Report attached to Policy A25 and submit to the Dean and Chairperson of the program.
Role of the Instructor
  • On campus Instructors are asked to submit the test to the Test Centre with a completed Invigilation Form as early as possible prior to the test date. Be sure to include test booklets, scantron cards or other materials required for the test.
  • On campus Instructors are asked to pick up the completed test as soon as possible.
  • Distance Education Instructors are required to email the form and test electronically to appropriate Test Centre email one working day prior to the scheduled test.
  • All Instructors may submit the form and test electronically to appropriate Test Centre email.
  • All Instructors must provide the Test Centre with contact information in the case there are questions during the test. Instructors may give an alternative contact person if they will not be available during the test.