Generic purple banner with one of the buildings at the North Hill campus.


Applying for Sponsorship

If sponsoring agencies are to be billed for student costs, a letter of sponsorship must be supplied to finance on official stationery containing the following information:

  • Sponsoring agency name
  • Sponsoring agency address
  • Fees the sponsoring agency is willing to cover, e.g. program/course fees, textbooks, etc.
  • Length of study the sponsoring agency is willing to cover

A person having the authority must sign the letter/form and the individual’s official title must be indicated.

Please note: Application fees, non-refundable tuition deposits and supplemental examination fees will not be billed to sponsoring agencies. These fees are the student’s responsibility. Refunds for students who are sponsored will be sent directly to the sponsor, not the student.

If applicable, contact your sponsor (by April for a September start and October for a January start) and ensure they complete a sponsorship authorization form to send to Assiniboine as soon as your sponsorship is confirmed.

Sponsorship Authorization Form (PDF)