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News at Assiniboine

There are some amazing career opportunities in Southwestern Manitoba. And Matthew Russell found one of them. He parlayed his Business Administration diploma from Assiniboine into a job with Custom Software Solutions in his home town of Virden, where the company’s head office is located, and hasn’t look back.
Go after the career you want, but be prepared to do a variety of other jobs to get you there. That’s the advice of Leanne Zamrykut, regional marketing manager for MNP (Meyers Norris Penny), one of the largest full-service chartered accountancy and business advisory firms in Canada.
Shaun Woodcock doesn’t like being in the spotlight. He likes to be behind a desk in an office with the door closed. And while he likes math and numbers, he also likes dealing with people one-one-one. So when he started doing some investigating, he found the Financial Services program at Assiniboine was tailor-made for him.
In only five years, she went from being an assistant and recruiter to co-owner of the company. And Camilla Timmer of West-Can Human Resource Solutions is grateful to Assiniboine for helping her to get where she is today.