
The Manure Management Planner (MMP) program equips agrologists with the knowledge required to create environmentally responsible plans for the application of manure as a fertilizer.

In the province of Manitoba, applying livestock manure to land is permitted exclusively for crop production as a fertilizer. Certain livestock operations are required to submit an annual Manure Management Plan (MMP) to Manitoba Environment, Climate and Parks. Livestock producers have the option to prepare this plan themselves or collaborate with a qualified Manure Management Planner.

Manure Management Planners must have completed the Manure Management Planner program successfully and maintain active membership with Agrologists Manitoba (Manitoba Institute of Agrologists (MIA)) or hold certification as a Certified Crop Advisor.

Assiniboine offers an accredited training program for Manure Management Planners, developed in collaboration with the Province of Manitoba and Agrologists Manitoba. The program includes an instructional manual, online video presentations, a manure management planning assignment, and a proctored, timed examination.

School of Agriculture & Environment
204.725.8700 ext 6392
1.800.862.6307 ext 6392 (toll free)
[email protected]

Careers & Connections


Students who successfully complete this course qualify as Manure Management Planner and must apply to Agrologists of Manitoba to be added to the Manure Management Planner Registry. The registry is a list of individuals qualified to prepare third party Manure Management Plans in accordance with the Livestock Manure and Mortalities Regulation. Agrologists Manitoba administers the public registry under agreement with Manitoba Environment and Climate that require anyone preparing MMPs on behalf of an operator to be listed on a third party registry. Visit agrologistsmanitoba.ca for more information on the registry.

The MMP Registry is renewed annually.


Assiniboine has a number of agreements with other colleges, universities and professional organizations, making it possible to apply credit taken at Assiniboine to programs at other institutions. For up-to-date information on agreements, visit Assiniboine’s Articulation Agreements page.

Detailed information is also available on the Articulation Agreements page for Assiniboine’s High School Articulation Agreements and Apprenticeship Manitoba Agreements.

Tools & Supplies

Distance-delivered programs make use of several delivery methods. This program includes a combination of an at-home study manual, online lessons and exam. Course material is delivered online using a learning platform called Moodle. A computer with audio and video will be required.

The Manure Management Planner programs includes a blend of learning resources, including an at-home study manual, online video presentations, graded assignment and examination. Course materials are accessible through Assiniboine’s online learning platform, Moodle. To make the most of this course, you will need a computer equipped with both audio and video capabilities.

Courses & Costs

Total cost, including manual, seminar, assignment and exam, is approximately $850. Exams Date: March 5, 2024.


To register, please complete and submit:

Manure Management Planner Registration (PDF)

Upon registration you will receive your course manual and log-in information for the online components of the course. 

If you don’t meet these admission requirements please visit our adult learning page for more information on assessment of special circumstances.

School and Agriculture and Environment 
204.725.8700 ext 6716
1.800.862.6307 ext 6716 (toll free)
[email protected]

Fast Facts

13 weeks
Program Start
January 15, 2024
Course Load
Program Details
Available by Distance
Agriculture Extension
204.725.8700 ext 6392