
The Prairie Horticulture program is the first distance horticulture program designed specifically for the prairie provinces. Three western Canadian educational institutions, Assiniboine College, the University of Saskatchewan and Olds College, have partnered to develop and deliver this program. 

Choose one of four streams of study: fruit and vegetable production, greenhouse crop production, landscaping and arboriculture, or nursery crop production. For more details, visit the 'Courses & Costs' tab.

If you are:
  • someone with a general interest in horticulture;
  • an individual looking to diversify your career;
  • a student enrolled in an existing horticulture training program; or
  • an owner, manager or employee of a horticulture venture;

this program will interest you.


Admission Requirements

  • A complete Manitoba Grade 12 or equivalent

If you received your education outside of Manitoba, please review the equivalent admission requirements: Interprovincial or International.

English is the language of instruction at Assiniboine. All applicants educated outside of Canada or in a country not on the test exempt list are expected to meet the English language proficiency requirements.

Please Note: The deadline for new program applications for the 2024-25 academic year is August 1, 2024. The deadline for registration for Term 1 (Sept 16-Nov 23) is Friday August 23, 2024.


Let's begin your online application and join Assiniboine College!

Once admitted to the program, register for all courses through Assiniboine, your home institution. All courses taken from participating institutions are treated as if they had been taken at Assiniboine. All courses are transferable for credit between the participating institutions.

Apply Now


Don't meet admission requirements?

If you don’t meet admission requirements, visit our Centre for Adult Learning to upgrade courses or view assessment of special circumstances.

Course upgrading

Careers & Connections


The program provides skills and training for owners, managers or employees of horticulture businesses, as well as anyone with an interest in horticulture. Careers in the field of horticulture focus on nursery crop production, landscaping, arboriculture, greenhouse crop production, fruit production and vegetable production.


Assiniboine College has partnered with western Canadian educational institutions, the University of Saskatchewan, and Olds College, to develop and deliver the Prairie Horticulture program.

Courses in the program can also be used for certifications with:

Assiniboine has a number of agreements with other colleges, universities and professional organizations, making it possible to apply credit taken at Assiniboine to programs at other institutions. For information on agreements, see Articulation Agreements.

Tools & Supplies

Program Checklists, Textbooks, and Supplies


Assiniboine Bookstore

Textbooks, supplies and uniforms may be purchased at the Assiniboine Bookstore at the Victoria Avenue East Campus. Booklists, tool lists and supply lists are available from your school office 30 days prior to the start date of your program.

Shop Now

Technology Requirements

All of our programs require the use of a computer with internet access. Some resources may be available on campus. For more details, see At-Home Computing.

Courses & Costs

2024-25 Term Schedule

  • Term 1: September 16 – November 23, 2024
  • Term 2: January 13 – March 22, 2025

    Term 2 Registration Deadline: January 2, 2025
    No Late Registrations Will Be Accepted.
  • Term 3: March 24 – May 30, 2025


Choose a stream of study

Fruit & Vegetable Production

Required Courses

Select three of the following:

Plus select two of the following:

Plus an open elective course (if necessary to meet the minimum requirements).

Landscape & Arboriculture
Greenhouse & Crop Production

Required Courses:

Select three of the following:

Plus select one of the following:

Plus an open elective course (if necessary to meet the minimum requirements).

Nursery Crop Production

Required Courses

Select three of the following:

Plus select one of the following:

Plus electives from this or other specializations or open electives for a total of eight courses or minimum of 36 credits for graduation


To graduate with a Prairie Horticulture certificate, students must successfully complete 36 credits comprised of a minimum of 9 courses and maintain an overall weighted average of 60%. Courses can be selected from one of the four specializations and will be transferred to the 'home' institution chosen by the student at the time of enrolment.

The minimum passing grade and tuition costs for each course are indicated on the course outline.

Applied Botany (AGRC-0017) | USask 

AGRC-0017 (60 hrs - 6 credits)

Introduces basic plant anatomy at the cellular level and whole organ level and investigates the significant processes throughout a plant’s lifecycle. Thorough coverage is given to plant classification and naming, with a stress on botanical grammar. Basic propagation, plant hormones, pollination, fruit set and ripening are discussed. This course focuses on factors of importance to prairie horticulture, including comprehensive coverage of climatic factors and discussion of diseases.

Tuition: $772.26
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Winter, and Spring

Recommended Textbook:

  1. Botany for Gardeners (3rd Edition): An Introduction and Guide.; Capon, B. (ISBN: 978160469095)
  2. How Plants Work: The Science Behind the Amazing Things Plants Do; Chalker-Scott, L. (ISBN: 9781604693386)

To order textbooks, call the USask bookstore 1.888.214.8888 or order online.

Arboriculture (AGRC-0029) | Olds College 

AGRC-0029 (30 hrs - 3 credits)

Introduces the basic terminology used in arboriculture, the principles of installation, and care and maintenance of trees and shrubs in the landscape. This course also addresses the effect s of the environment on growth and development of woody plants

Tuition: $579.00

Term(s) Offered: Fall and Spring

Note: It is recommended that students complete Applied Botany and Soils for Horticulture before registering in Arboriculture. It is also recommended to have prior or concurrent knowledge in Woody Landscape Plants and Safe Work/Pesticides.

Basics of Horticulture Business Management (BUSN-0124) | Olds College 

BUSN-0124 (30 hrs - 3 credits)

Introduces the basics of business management within the horticulture industry. Students gain an understanding of the characteristics of a small business and the principles of small business organizations; financial performance, budgeting and human resource management for the small business.

Tuition: $579.00
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Winter, and Spring

Required Textbook:

  1. Small Business Management: Launching and Growing New Ventures (6th Canadian Edition); Longenecker, J. et al. (ISBN: 9780176532215)

To order textbooks, call the Olds College at 1.800.661.6537 ext. 4630.

Basics of Horticulture Marketing (MKTG-0049) | Olds College 

MKTG-0049 (30 hrs - 3 credits)

This course introduces basics of marketing within the Horticulture industry. Students will gain an understanding of the fundamental marketing elements of the Canadian and Prairie horticultural industry, including: basic principles of marketing, principles of consumer behaviour, price-setting, and credit granting strategies, sales process, the elements of distribution channels in domestic and global markets

Tuition: $579.00
Term(s) Offered: Fall and Winter

Cannabis Crop Production (AGRC-0297) | Olds College 

AGRC-0297 (60 hrs – 6 credits)

Introduces cannabis specific botany and production requirements in both a greenhouse and warehouse
setting. Topics include: plant growth cycle, genetics, propagation, pest management, integrated crop management (ICM) and harvesting criteria under controlled environment. An introduction to the chemical composition of cannabis and its importance from a medical and recreational perspective is also addressed.

Tuition: $749.00

Term(s) Offered: Winter

Recommended Textbooks:

  1. The Cannabis Encyclopedia; Cervantes, J. (ISBN: 9781878823397)
  2. The Marijuana Handbook; Henderson, J. (ISBN: 9781548897635)
  3. The Art of Growing Premium Cannabis; Bernhardt, R. K. (ISBN: 9780692968584)

To order textbooks, visit Amazon.

Floral Design (AGRC-0069) | USask 

AGRC-0069 (30 hrs - 3 credits)

Introduces the theory and practice of floral design. Topics include: basic botany; nomenclature and terminology; care and handling of fresh cut flowers/foliage. The course provides basic understanding of the tools, supplies, and mechanics used in floral design. Floral design styles, elements and principles are discussed.

Tuition: $585.15
Term(s) Offered: Fall

Required textbooks:

  1. The Art of Floral Design (3rd Edition); Hunter, N. (ISBN: 9781418063030)

To order textbooks, call the USask bookstore 1.888.214.8888 or order online.

Fruit Production (AGRC-0022) | USask 

AGRC-0022 (30 hrs - 3 credits)

Introduces fruit production on the Canadian prairies including: the role of prairie climate in large-scale fruit production; plant breeding and cold hardiness; flowering and fruit development; fruit growth, thinning and maturity indices and harvesting techniques. This course discusses site selection, orchard establishment, planting, frost protection and briefly addresses pruning & grafting and post-harvest storage. Fruit crops include apples, plums, pears, strawberries, raspberries, currants and Saskatoon berries.

Tuition: $585.15
Term(s) Offered: Winter

Recommended Textbook:

  1. Dwarf Sour Cherries: A Guide for Commercial Production; Bors, B. and Matthews, L. (ISBN: 9780888804921)
  2. Saskatoon Berry Production Manual. Spencer, R. et al (ISBN: 9780773261013)

To order textbooks, call the USask bookstore 1.888.214.8888 or order online.

Greenhouse Crop Production (AGRC-0024) | Olds College 

AGRC-0024 (60 hrs - 6 credits)

Introduces aspects of greenhouse production including an overview of the prairie greenhouse industry, production economics, chemical and biological pest control and the production of bedding plants, potted and flowering plants and vegetables.

Tuition: $749.00
Term (s) Offered: Fall and Winter

Required Textbooks:

  1. Greenhouse Operation and Management (7th Edition); Nelson, P. (ISBN: 9780132439367). 
  2. Ball Redbook: Crop Production (18th Edition), Volume 2; Nau, J. (ISBN: 9781883052683)

To order textbooks, call Olds College at 1.800.661.6537 ext. 4630.

Note: It is strongly recommended that students complete Applied Botany before registering for Fruit Production.

Greenhouse Structures and Environments (AGRC-0025) | Olds College 

AGRC-0025 (30 hrs - 3 credits)

Introduces the fundamentals of greenhouse construction and maintenance, as well as specialized features of greenhouse structures and environmental controls.

Tuition: $579.00

Term(s) Offered: Winter and Spring

Required Textbooks:

  1. Greenhouse Operation and Management (7th Edition); Nelson, P. (ISBN: 9780132439367). 

To order textbooks, call Olds College at 1.800.661.6537 ext. 4630.

Herbaceous Landscape Plants (AGRC-0028) | Olds College 

AGRC-0028 (30 hrs - 3 credits)

Introduces the study of common plants in the prairie landscapes including herbaceous perennials, biennials and annual flowers. This course discusses classification, identification, landscape characteristics, adaptations, cultural requirements and proper use of the plants.

Tuition: $579.00
Term(s) Offered: Winter and Spring

Human Resource Management (HRMG-0018) | Assiniboine 

HRMG-0018 (30 hrs - 3 credits)

Students are introduced to human resource theory and methods as they apply to hiring and managing staff effectively in a horticulture setting. Students learn to use their knowledge of situations involving human resource management issues to test their learning in this course. Students gain an understanding of the personnel planning process. Students learn leadership and communication techniques to motivate staff and resolve conflicts. Application of this knowledge in a horticulture setting is the focus of discussion.

Tuition: $555.00
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Winter, and Spring

Required Textbooks:

  1. Managing People on Your Farm, Cdn Farm Business Mgmt Coucil (ISBN: 9781894148702).

To order textbooks, call the Assiniboine bookstore at1.800.862.6307 ext. 6788 or order online.

Indoor Landscaping (AGRC-0026) | USask 

AGRC-0026 (60 hrs - 6 credits)

This course covers both the theory and practice of indoor landscaping. Topics include: basic design concepts; people-plant relationships and the function of plants in the indoor environment. This course discusses plant culture, maintenance and integrated pest management. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to prepare cost estimates and budgets and create, install and maintain commercial indoor landscapes.

Tuition: $772.26
Term (s) Offered: Fall

Required Textbooks:

  1. The Indoor Plant & Flower Expert; Hessayan, Dr. D.G., 2013 Edition, Expert Publication Ltd. ISBN: 978 1909 663 008 Approx. $23.95

Call the U of S bookstore at 306. 966.4465 or 1.888.214.8888, or order online.

Note: It is strongly advised that students have completed Applied Botany and Soils for Horticulture prior to registering for Indoor Landscaping.

Integrated Plant Management (AGRC-0019) | Olds College 

AGRC-0019 (60 hrs - 6 credits)

Introduces the basics of identifying, monitoring, predicting, and managing the environment and pest problems affecting horticulture crop growth. Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to diagnose problems, provide solutions, and predict how the manipulation of growing conditions will impact other factors.

Tuition: $749.00
Term(s) Offered: Fall and Winter

Note: It is strongly recommended that students have completed Applied Botany and Soils for Horticulture prior to registering in Integrated Plant Management.

Landscape Construction (AGRC-0031) | Olds College 

AGRC-0031 (30 hrs - 3 credits)

Introduces the theory and application of landscape construction and emphasizes safety procedures. Students will learn about interlocking paving stones; water features; retaining walls; low voltage lighting; wooden decks; and fences.

Tuition: $579.00
Term(s) Offered: Fall

Landscape Design (AGRC-0030) | Olds College 

AGRC-0030 (60 hrs - 6 credits)

Students will gain the skills needed to produce a simple residential landscape design for a client. This course addresses the design process; identifying client needs; producing preliminary site plans and design program; using drafting equipment; and producing a basic landscape design in plan view.

Tuition: $749.00
Term(s) Offered: Fall and Winter

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (AGRC-0070) | USask 

AGRC-0070 (30 hrs - 3 credits)

Introduces the production, processing and marketing of medicinal and aromatic plants on the Prairies. The course will provide students with useful information and skills that can be applied in establishing or running a herb production, processing, or marketing enterprise.

Tuition: $585.15
Term(s) Offered: Winter

Required Textbook:

  1. The Organic Medicinal Herb Farmer: The Ultimate Guide to Producing High-Quality Herbs on a Market Scale; Carpenter, J. and Carpenter, M. (ISBN: 9781603585736)

Recommended Textbook:

  1. Marketing on the Edge: A Marketing Guide for Progressive Farmers. Download by visiting Farm Management Canada (ISBN: 9781894148689)

To order textbooks, call the USask bookstore 1.888.214.8888 or order online.

Nursery Crop Production (AGRC-0071) | Assiniboine 

AGRC-0071 (30 hrs - 3 credits)

The course covers the principles and practices of the production of trees, shrubs, and perennial plants. Production, in both field as well as container, is addressed in the commercial business environment. The historical evolution of the prairie industry is discussed as it relates to current crop management practices.

Tuition: $555.00
Term(s) Offered: Winter

Required Textbooks:

  1. Canadian Nursery Stock Standards (9th Edition), Cdn Nursery Landscape Association. Download by visiting CNLA Publications​​​​​​
  2. So You Want to Start a Nursery; Avent, T. (ISBN: 9781603585736)

To order textbooks, call the Assiniboine bookstore at 1.800.862.6307 ext. 6788 or order online.

Note: It is strongly recommended that students will have completed Applied Botany, Soils for Horticulture, Safe Work/Pesticides, Integrated Plant Management, Woody Landscape Plants prior to registering for this course.

Plant Propagation (AGRC-0023) | Olds College 

AGRC-0023 (60 hrs - 6 credits)

Introduces both theoretical and practical information for hands-on plant propagation. This course will provide an understanding of the physiological and physical processes involved in propagation and the required skills to carry out various propagation techniques.

Tuition: $749.00
Term (s) Offered: Fall and Spring

Required Textbook:

  1. Hartmann & Kester’s Plant Propagation: Principles and Practices. 9th Edition. Hudson Hartmann [et al.] (ISBN:9780134483672).

To order textbooks, call the Olds College bookstore at 1.800.661.6537 ext. 4630.

Note: Materials kit optional.

Post Harvest Handling of Food Crops (AGRC-0072) | Assiniboine 

AGRC-0072 (30 hrs - 3 credits) Co-requisite: AGRC-0017 Applied Botany

The principles of postharvest handling, storage, and transportation of fruits, vegetables and herbs are covered in this course. You will learn handling and storage practices to maintain the quality of fresh fruits and vegetables of importance in the Canadian Prairies; what constitutes high quality produce; when a crop should be harvested for optimum quality; specific storage environments required by various crops; and causes of quality loss during storage and transportation. Storage and handling of fresh herbs will also be discussed. Before enrolling in this course, it is recommended that you be familiar with the types and botanical structures of various fruit and vegetable products through experience or completing Applied Botany.

Tuition: $555.00
Term (s) Offered: Spring

Required Textbook:

  1. Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops (3rd Edition); Kader, A., editor (ISBN: 9781879906518).

To order textbooks, call the Assiniboine bookstore at 1.800.862.6307 ext. 6788 or order online.

Note: Before enrolling in this course, the student should be familiar with botanical structures of fruits and vegetables. Applied Botany is recommended prior to taking this course.

Safe Work/Pesticides (AGRC-0020) | Assiniboine 

AGRC-0020 (30 hrs - 3 credits)

Learn about different aspects of safety in the use of pesticides for the horticulture industry. Topics include: basic chemistry; legislation and regulations; labeling; toxicity; handling practices; environmental protection; pest management; application equipment; emergency response; and public relations. I made minor edits to this prior to tracking changes.

Tuition: $555.00
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Winter and Spring

Recommended Textbooks:

  1. Guide to Greenhouse Floriculture Production (Publication 370), OMAFRA 
  2. Growing Greenhouse Vegetables in Ontario (Publication 836), OMAFRA (ISBN: 9781443539241).

To order textbooks, visit www.publications.gov.on.ca/.

Note: This course will be of particular interest to horticulturalists who apply pesticides, but are not mandated to be certified or licensed by their respective provinces.

Soils of Horticulture (AGRC-0018) | USask 

AGRC-0018 (60 hrs - 6 credits)

Introduces the fundamental principles of soil science with specific reference to the study of Horticulture. The components of soil, their physical and chemical properties, and soil-water relationships will be the theoretical basis on which soil management and fertility will be considered. Synthetic and natural fertilizers and amendments, to improve soil physical properties, will be discussed. Potting media for greenhouse production will be introduced; however, the course emphasis is on natural soils. 

Tuition: $772.26
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Winter, and Spring

Note: It is recommended that students collect a four litre sample of soil from their garden or area for completion of course assignments. If soil cannot be collected, you may be able to purchase soil from a landscaping or greenhouse business. Due to seasonal temperatures in some areas of the prairies (frozen ground in January), it is recommended that students collect a sample of soil (the volume of an ice cream pail) from their garden or area for completion of course assignments. If soil cannot be collected, you may be able to purchase soil from a landscaping or greenhouse business.)

Turfgrass Production and Management (AGRC-0032) | Assiniboine 

AGRC-0032 (60 hrs - 6 credits)

This course outlines the production and maintenance of turfgrasses to enable students to function within the landscaping and turf production industries. Topics include: an overview of the turfgrass industry; turfgrass physiology; plant morphology and species identification; native turfgrass; soils; turfgrass establishment, culture, management practices and problems; turfgrass pest control and integrated pest management.

Tuition: $735.00
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Winter and Spring

Required Textbook:

  1. Great Plains Turfgrass Manual (4th Edition); McKernan D. (ISBN: 9780969820000)

Recommended Textbook:

  1. Weeds of the Prairies; Bubar, C. et al. (ISBN: 978077326471)

To order textbooks, call the Assiniboine bookstore at 1.800.862.6307 ext. 6788 or order online.

Vegetable Crop Production (AGRC-0021) | USask 

AGRC-0021 (30 hrs - 3 credits)

Introduces vegetable production on the Canadian prairies in terms of soil, climate, equipment, cultural practices, management and marketing. A wide range of crops are reviewed from vegetable crops to vines. The course provides students with information necessary to establish a vegetable operation, advise others on vegetable production, or enhance their background for employment in the vegetable industry.

Tuition: $585.15
Term(s) Offered: Fall and Winter

Required Textbook:

  1. Diseases and Pests of Vegetable Crops in Canada;. Howard, R. et al., editors. (ISBN: 9780969162735)

Download this book at www.phytopath.ca/publications/diseases-of-vegetable-crops-in-canada/.

Note: It is recommended that students complete Applied Botany and Soils for Horticulture before registering in Vegetable Production.

Woody Landscape Plants (AGRC-0027) | USask 

AGRC-0027 (30 hrs - 3 credits)

Introduces the identification and classification of woody ornamental plants. This course addresses plants common in the prairie environment including deciduous and evergreen trees, shrubs, vines and ground covers.

Tuition: $585.15
Term(s) Offered: Fall and Winter

Required Textbook:

  1. Plant Identification Terminology (2nd Edition); Beentje, H. and Williamson, J. (ISBN: 9781842466049). 

To order textbooks, call the USask bookstore 1.888.214.8888 or order online.

Note: There is an optional CD-ROM that you can purchase to complement this course. Ordering information will be included in your course materials package.


I have a university degree, or diploma, do I still have to submit my high school transcript?


I am a mature student, do I have to provide transcripts?

Yes, Assiniboine does not have a mature admission category.

Can I take a few Prairie Horticulture courses without applying to the program?

Students must be accepted into the program in order to register for courses. Once accepted, students can choose to take a few courses for personal interest or complete the program for a certificate.

Where can I view Prairie Horticulture courses offered this term?

To view current offerings, a full course list, descriptions, and costs, go to the "Courses & Costs" tab located on the top of this page.

When is the registration deadline for Prairie Horticulture courses?

Student must register a minimum of 14 days prior to the course start date.

How can I access my academic and financial information?

Students whose home institution is Assiniboine, can access academic information (grades, class schedule and transcript request) and financial information online at MyACC.

How long do I have to complete the Prairie Horticulture program?

Students have five years to complete the program.

I'm in the Prairie Horticulture program but haven't taken a course in over a year, am I still active in the program?

As noted in Policy A8 Student Evaluation and Progression, students are normally required to complete their program of study within five years. During this period, students must remain active in their program, as defined in Policy A10 – Maintaining Active Student Status.

I've successfully completed all the required courses. How do I receive my credential?

Students that have successfully completed all the program requirements can complete an Application to Graduate form and email to [email protected] to receive their credential.

Fast Facts

2 years (approx.)
Program Start
September, January & March
Course Load
Program Details
Continuing Studies
Continuing Studies
800.862.6307 ext 6002 (toll free)
Program Information Sheet