This 6-week program will help you to examine your current employment situation, clarify and develop your employment goals and become empowered to take the necessary steps to achieve them.
Upon successful completion of the Strive Program, students will:
- Have clear and realistic employment goals;
- Be empowered to make changes in their lives;
- Have a better understanding of the local job market; and
- Be more informed of local training opportunities
This program is tuition-free and additional financial assistance may be available for qualified participants.
Designed with your job future in mind. Gain a better understanding of:
- Your skills and abilities
- Your employment goals
- The local job market
- Local training opportunities
Apply today as seating is limited! Current application deadline is October 4, 2024. For more information, call 204.622.2147 or drop in at Training and Employment Services located at 135 Second Avenue NE, Dauphin.