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Online Teacher


Global Legend Education adopt the original North American textbooks and the interactive online learning model of foreign teachers, so that Chinese students in China and Canada can learn from the same famous teachers without going out. Education, enjoy the same high-quality teaching resources, and grow together with the world. North American Legend hopes to lead students to cross geographical barriers, communicate with the world confidently and express freely. Outside of the classroom, we will organize international summer camps, study abroad seminars and other activities every year, so that students can truly learn English, mathematics, physics and chemistry, and the world can do whatever they want.
We are looking for an upbeat, passionate, committed, enthusiastic, and dynamic teacher who wants to work in a rewarding teaching environment. Our Programs offer individual support to students looking to improve their academic skills and study habits. We are teaching students better learning habits! Our current teachers have been with us for long term - it's very rewarding work!


* Undergraduate or post-secondary qualification;
* Strong oral and written English skills;
* Extensive knowledge of the Canadian grade (Primary School) Math curriculum, familiar with North American Math Competition is an asset
Chemistry or physics knowledge an asset;
* Experience with students in a teaching or tutoring environment an asset;
* Teaching Experience: 1 year of online / offline teaching experience;
* ESL Certificates: TESOL/TEFL / CELTA Certificate is and asset;

It's important that you are able to work Monday to Friday evenings (latest until 18pm), and weekends morning and afternoon. As you will be building relationships with YOUR students, we require a commitment until at least June 2020. We have sessions Monday through Friday from 15pm - 18pm and Saturdays throughout the day, and we can offer you additional dates as you prefer.


Email: info@globallegend.ca
Phone: 778-244-8337

Job Details

Application End Date
Job Category
Employment Type
Part-time, Regular
Job Location
$12.00-12.25 per hour