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Indigenous Students, Fall 2023, Various Jobs - Canada Revenue Agency


The CRA is committed to providing an inclusive and barrier-free work environment with a diverse workforce that reflects the Canadians we serve. It starts with the hiring process. To find out more about the CRA’s actions in support of Employment Equity (EE), diversity and inclusion, and read testimonials from our employees and executives, please visit the following CRA web sites: Employment equity, diversity and inclusion and Our workforce testimonials - Canada.ca.

We encourage you to complete the EE Staffing questionnaire as part of your application if you wish to be considered for appointments using the EE staffing requirement in this process. Also, ensure that you have provided consent in the EE staffing questionnaire for your EE information to be used for screening or selection. If you do not complete the questionnaire, you will not be considered for any appointments using the EE staffing requirement in this process. If you decide to modify your response or fill out this questionnaire at a later date, please notify the contact listed at the bottom of this notice of job opportunity.
Applications are reviewed on a first come first serve basis, so apply now!
Apply by March 31, 2023 to work during May-August 2023
Apply by July 3, 2023 to work during September-December 2023

Who is the Canada Revenue Agency?

If you’re studying Accounting you may already know a little bit about us, but you should also know that we are more than just taxes! Our students work in a variety of programs, including Scientific Research and Development, Human Resources, Client Services, Community Outreach, Information Technology and Criminal Investigations. Our jobs are a great place to improve your communication skills, learn to handle difficult situations and sharpen your written communication, no matter what you are currently studying.

“I first applied to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) through the Indigenous Student Employment Program in 2019 as a music major hoping to get an office summer job. I was nervous on my first day, but quickly realized that CRA has a great work environment. I feel supported by colleagues and management, I have an excellent work-life balance, and I feel fulfilled by my work. The CRA has provided me the flexibility to pursue my education goals while working with them. Three years later, I am still working for the Agency. I strongly encourage any Indigenous students to apply.”

- Tyrell Loster Peitzsche (2022)

Job Opportunities for Indigenous Students

As part of our Indigenous Student Employment Program, you will join a community of Indigenous students who are working towards their education and career goals. When you apply to this staffing process, you are not applying to a specific job, but to an inventory. Our goal is to match you to a position that will allow you to develop your professional skills.

Through working at the CRA, you will:
- grow your professional network,
- refine your skills and learn new ones,
- gain experience working in an office environment,
- have a work-life balance through flexible work hours; and
- do meaningful and valuable work that matters to Canadians.

IMPORTANT: You must meet ALL THREE eligibility requirements below and self-identify as an Indigenous person to be considered.

Canada Revenue Agency’s Indigenous Student Employment Program is open to persons:

Who self identify as Indigenous*
*An Indigenous person is a North American Indian or a member of a First Nation, a Métis or an Inuit. North American Indians or members of a First Nation include status, treaty or registered Indians, as well as non-status and non-registered Indians living in Canada or Canadian citizens living abroad.

Please see this link to help you self-identify: https://www.rcaanc-cirnac.gc.ca/eng/1100100013785/1529102490303


Who are enrolled in full-time** studies at a recognized post-secondary institution during Summer 2023 or Fall 2023
**Indigenous students enrolled in studies on a part-time basis due to a disability that is recognized by their academic institution are also eligible to apply.

Living in Canada or Canadian citizens living abroad
If you are an Indigenous student with a work/study permit, you may apply. However, preference will be given to Canadian citizens and Permanent Residents who meet the essential requirements.

If you do not meet the criteria above, please visit CRA Careers for various job opportunities and the Federal Student Work Employment Program for student opportunities.

Review the above eligibility requirements to ensure you meet all three criteria.
Create a Candidate Profile at https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/e-services/candidate-p…
Select "Apply Online" at the bottom of the job posting.
Complete the mandatory questionnaire.
Attach your resume and proof of enrolment to your Candidate Profile.
Applications are reviewed on a first come first serve basis, so apply now!

Rate of Pay
Your level of education will determine your classification and your student rate of pay:
SU-02 - College/CEGEP ($18.90 to $21.64)
SU-03 - University Undergraduate ($20.80 to $25.52)
SU-04 - Masters ($28.57)
SU-05 – Doctorate ($34.59)

Work Locations
This staffing process will be used to staff student positions in the following locations:
British Columbia: Vancouver, Surrey, Victoria, Kelowna, Penticton & Prince George
Alberta: Calgary & Edmonton
Saskatchewan: Regina & Saskatoon
Manitoba: Winnipeg
If you are residing elsewhere than within a commuting distance of the locations listed above, you will have to pay for any expenses related to your participation in this staffing process, as well as any relocation costs if you receive an offer of employment from this process.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, public health recommendations and restrictions are in place across Canada and may change as circumstances evolve. You may be required to temporarily work remotely (eg. from home). Further information will be provided if you are matched for a position.

If you have a limitation that may impact your performance during an assessment, such as a test or interview, you may require an accommodation, and we encourage you to ask for it. Assessment accommodations are designed to remove the obstacles without altering the criteria being assessed so candidates with limitations can fully demonstrate their abilities. If we invite you to be assessed, we will send you more information on how to request accommodation measures throughout this staffing process.

Each request will be individually reviewed. You will be asked to provide information regarding your limitations to be reviewed by a trained assessment accommodation advisor. If needed, professional documentation may be requested to determine the appropriate accommodation measures. All information will be kept confidential.

For examples of assessment accommodations, please visit: Accommodation during an assessment as a candidate.

Want to know more?
We encourage you to read Important information on staffing at the CRA to find out more about staffing processes and how to apply.

CRA employees support the economic and social well-being of Canadians, and build public trust. We have high expectations, and our employees are held to the standards of conduct outlined in our Code of integrity and professional conduct and Directive on conflict of interest, gifts and hospitality, and post-employment.
The CRA is committed to building a skilled, diverse workforce reflective of Canadian society. To find out more, consult Employment equity, diversity and inclusion at the CRA. We encourage you to complete the Employment Equity (EE) Staffing questionnaire as part of your application if you wish to be considered for staffing actions using the EE staffing requirement in this process. Your questionnaire response will be retained on file for the duration of the staffing process. If you do not complete the questionnaire, you will not be considered for any staffing actions using the EE staffing requirement in this process. If you decide to modify your response or fill out this questionnaire at a later date, please notify the contact listed at the bottom of this notice of job opportunity.

Information regarding the status of your application will be communicated via the candidate profile on the CRA Careers site. We strongly encourage you to verify the email address attached to your profile and to check your messages regularly for any updates. We also encourage you to read Important information on staffing at the CRA to find out more about staffing processes and how to apply. For a description of key terms used on CRA job notices, go to Definitions for job seekers. For more information on staffing at the CRA and how to apply go to General information on staffing.

Name: Aleena Mclean, Indigenous Student Liaison
Email address:93MNPISEP1G@cra-arc.gc.ca


- Legal to work in Canada
- Self-identify as an Indigenous person
- Enrolled in full-time studies at a recognized post-secondary institution


Name: Aleena Mclean, Indigenous Student Liaison
Email address:93MNPISEP1G@cra-arc.gc.ca

Job Details

Application End Date
Job Category
Area of Interest
Employment Type
Full-Time Term
Job Location
Nationwide, Canada