ACC’s annual provincial impact totals $613 million

A recent study on ACC's economic impact shows a contribution of more than $613 million every year to Manitoba’s economy.

“We know that investments in education produce economic and social returns far greater than their costs,” said ACC president Mark Frison. “Continued investment in ACC and post-secondary education is tied directly to the growth and prosperity of our provincial economy. A more skilled workforce makes Manitoba stronger and more competitive.”

Other notable results from the study are as follows:

  • The average internal rate of return for students is 21.2 per cent on their investment in education at ACC. This rate of return continues over their working lives.
  • For every dollar of public money invested in ACC, there is a cumulative return of $1.90 to the government over the students’ working lives in the form of higher tax receipts and public sector savings.
  • Taxpayers see an internal a rate of return of 10.1 per cent on their investment in the college.

Economic Modeling Specialists International (EMSI) conducted the analysis. They are a leading provider of economic impact studies and labour market data to educational institutions in North America.

A survey completed by Probe Research Inc. earlier this year shows that a large majority of recent ACC graduates secure employment shortly after receiving their diplomas and certificates.

At 96 per cent, the overwhelming majority of recent graduates who were seeking work and were not returning to school secured employment. Nearly 80 per cent of these jobs are permanent.

The average annual gross salary of recent graduates is $44,050.

And it’s good news for Manitoba as 94 per cent of recent ACC graduates have chosen to stay in the province.

A copy of the report is available online.