The Online Application system and Self-Service system will be unavailable Friday, June 28th, 12 p.m. - 6 p.m. CDT. Read more

Cougars 2015 Year in Review

A short summary of 2015 bridging over two seasons of Cougars play... A recap of last year and a look into 2016.

Women's hockey won silver at the 2015 Manitoba provincials earning them a spot at Westerns, where they took home the Sr. B Western Canadian Shield Hockey Championship in April. The team looks strong again this season heading into 2016 with a 12-3-1 record.

Women's volleyball capped off their 2014-15 season with a loss in the semi-finals. Halfway through this season they sit tied for third place in the league with a 5-4 record. They also won the Western Canadian College Open tournament in November. The men's team is strong this year but competing in a tough league. They sit at 2-6 with a large roster and a deep bench heading into the new year.

Both Cougars soccer teams were plagued with injury this year. Despite having a short roster, the women's team won their first game in Manitoba Colleges Athletic Conference history. The teams head into indoor season (futsal) in the new year. Futsal is played within the basketball or handball lines; with a smaller ball; 4 on 4 with a goalie and change on the fly. If you haven't seen it, join us at our tournament January 23rd and 24th!

Join us as the Cougars host the second annual Cougars Classic Golf Tournament on June 23rd, 2016. All proceeds go towards student athlete scholarship/awards.