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Donating Makes Cents!

Three students sit at a picnic table, one on the close seat left frame, one atop the table mid-frame and one on the back seat right-frame. The Text "Top 10 Reasons to Donate" is in the lower left frame.
  • Why did the clown donate? It was a nice jester!
  • Why don’t crabs and lobsters donate to charity? Because they’re shellfish.
  • If you donate a kidney, everybody loves you and you’re a total hero. But try donating five kidneys and suddenly everyone is yelling and the police get involved.

All jokes aside, donating, whether it’s your time, connections or dollars, is an incredibly generous gesture. At Assiniboine, we have many different ways that you can get involved in our community. Taking on a student during their work placement to helping judge a program’s Capstone project to serving on a program review board (and everything in between!) are all ways to express your support of the college and our students.

But did you know that Assiniboine is a registered charity? The Assiniboine Community College Foundation helps students complete their post-secondary education by supporting them with scholarships, awards and bursaries. Being a student today is more expensive than ever, and the Foundation is proud that more than $600,000 was awarded in 2021 to Assiniboine students.

There are other reasons to donate as well. Here are our top 10!

1) You receive a tax receipt for a donation of $20 or more.

It’s a bonus to most charitable giving, and donating to Assiniboine Community College is no exception. All those who donate $20 or more will benefit come tax season. A perk to doing something you already know is great—helping Assiniboine students, now and into the future, have the best experience possible.

2) You can direct your gift to what matters to you.

Want to support the college and donate funds to wherever it’s most needed at the time? Great, we can put your contribution toward the most current area of greatest need.

Want to ensure that your donation goes directly to student awards? We can make that happen!

Have a vested interest in a specific area or campaign? We can help with that too.

It’s important to understand that all contributions to the Assiniboine Foundation ultimately help students, whether it’s through direct financial support or enhanced learning spaces, but the Foundation is happy to give you the best opportunity to donate to what matters most to you.

3) When you donate, you’re part of a community.

Welcome to the college community—you’re in good company! Our donors range from alumni to staff to community leaders and local businesses. The thing they all have in common? They’re an essential part of a broader community, and we take that community seriously.

Take, for example, our Funding Futures campaign that runs each fall. Lisa Huston, the Advancement Officer who spearheads this drive says, “I want Funding Futures to build a sense of community. I’d rather have 10 people donate $10 each than have one person donate $100. I want alumni and other donors to believe in the fact that they belong to something bigger, because they do.”

4) You support students—the next generation of alumni.

It’s true! Your support really could have a lasting impact on the life of a student. It could be the difference between a student being able to attend college or continue their studies. It could help ensure their college experience is without the stress that comes with financial burden. It could ensure they can play a sport, spend time off with classmates. It could be the help they need to succeed.

5) Giving to the college helps support the economy.

Remember those students you supported? Well, they’re now living, working and playing in Manitoba. In fact, our recent graduate satisfaction and employment survey showed that 93% of grads were living in Manitoba. That means the students receiving your support are working local and spending local, bringing your support full circle back into the Manitoban economy.

In addition to that, one of Assiniboine’s major focuses is meeting employer and community needs by offering responsive training. The college works hard to ensure the training we offer will not only lead to careers for the benefit of our students, but will also fill any gaps that might exist in local industry.

6) You are eligible to attend the esteemed Great Grey Owl

The Great Grey Owl Restaurant is arguably one of Brandon’s most anticipated events of the year. Culinary Arts and Baking Foundations students present a stunning menu while Hotel and Restaurant Management students practice their hospitality skills with tableside service. Held along the stunning backdrop of the Manitoba Institute of Culinary Arts in the historic Great Grey Owl dining room, it’s a prestigious annual tradition—and it’s available only to Assiniboine donors!

7) Your donation is amplified—for every $2 you donate, the Manitoba Scholarship and Bursary Initiative will donate $1.

This one speaks for itself. When you donate toward student awards, and you give $2, we receive $3. You give $4, we receive $6. You donate $20, we receive $30. You get the idea!

Always appreciative of our friends at the Manitoba Scholarship and Bursary Initiative for their generosity.

8) You’ll be supporting college hopefuls from across the province

One of the financial awards we’re most proud of is our One to Watch Entrance Award. Assiniboine Community College celebrates the exceptional leadership and school/community involvement of Manitoba high school students through the One to Watch Entrance Award. More than $300,000 is available, with one $1,000 award designated for every eligible Manitoba high school.

This award aims to foster the next generation of leaders who have chosen Assiniboine as their post-secondary destination after high school.

9) It’s quick and easy.

Donate in whichever way you prefer, including a quick online process. You can also spread out your donation through monthly payments.

10) The future of the college is so exciting, you’ll want to be involved.

The college is continually working to create exceptional learning experiences for students, and we’ve got some big things happening. In recent years we saw new learning spaces come to life at our Victoria Avenue East campus, including the Public Safety Training Centre, Food Processing Centre, Westoba Innovation Lab, and Assiniboine Early Learning Centre. Most recently, this campus saw the construction of the Centre for Adult Learning, Centre for Creative Media, and an all-new space dedicated to Assiniboine International.

Next up, we have our sights set on the Prairie Innovation Centre for Sustainable Agriculture, our largest undertaking to date.

So, it’s an exciting time to join the donor community!