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Get to know Assiniboine Alumi Darcy Low and Leslie Jeske

Darcy Low & Leslie Jeske, Assiniboine Alumni, and local business owners.
Assiniboine Alumni Darcy Low & Leslie Jeske at their local business.

What program did you take at ACC? Which campus?

Leslie: Office Administration, Brandon

Darcy: Business Administration, Brandon.

Fun fact, Leslie processed my application for Business Administration, so I guess I owe my career to her.

What year did you graduate?

Leslie: 1998

Darcy: 2006

Where are you currently employed?

Leslie: Assiniboine Community College. I am an Admissions Specialist in the Registrar’s Office.

Darcy: I recently left ACC, where I worked for 10 years in the Finance Department, to go back to private practice as a Senior Accounting Technician at W.L Buck & Associates. In addition, we own and operate Kickin Axe Throwing, Westman’s only axe throwing club and wreck room.

How long have you been employed there?

Leslie: I was technically still employed with the RCMP when I graduated, so I had the option to return to Thompson and my previous job, but Brandon felt right so I applied for a data entry position at ACC and got it. I was only in that position a few weeks when I accepted a term position in the Registrar’s Office, and as they say “the rest is history”. The term turned into a permanent full-time position and 25 years later I’m still here.

Darcy: Just passed my one-year anniversary with W.L. Buck & Associates. Kickin Axe Throwing opened October 6, 2017 and had a fantastic Christmas season. Things were looking pretty good prior to March 2020. The pandemic hit us hard and there were times when we did not know if we would survive. With the cost of living on the rise, there is still the uncertainty of how it will affect our business. Will people have enough left over at the end of the day to be able to partake in fun activities? We sure hope so!

Briefly describe your occupation.

Leslie: I am responsible for all the domestic admissions for the School of Business and the School of Trades at campuses in Brandon and Dauphin, as well as all the contracts associated with both schools at various locations. I also look after admissions for a number of programs in Continuing Studies.

Darcy: I spend most of my days preparing corporate year-ends, corporate tax returns and audits of not-for-profit organizations. During tax time, I spend countless hours preparing and reviewing personal tax returns.

Why did you choose this career path?

Leslie: I was not exactly sure what my career path was going to be after graduation because I had a few options; however, had someone told me I would attend ACC in 1997 and still be there in 2022, I would have probably just laughed.

Darcy: I took some accounting classes in high school, and seemed to enjoy them. When the time came to go to college, accounting just seemed like the right choice.

For Kickin Axe, I visited an Axe shop in Winnipeg as a team building activity with the Finance Department at ACC. I had so much fun that I wanted to share that fun with Brandon, and that's how Kickin' Axe was born.

Do you have a career ‘highlight’ that you’re most proud of?

Leslie: I have a number of highlights involving international applicants. Prior to having an International department, the admissions for International applicants were handled by the admissions office. Each specialist did both, domestic and international. I am still close to some of these applicants/students/graduates today; one of them works in the admissions office alongside me.

Looking back to when you first started to think about getting a postsecondary education, what first attracted you to the program that you took at ACC?

Leslie: I came from a relatively small community (Thompson), so Brandon was appealing to me because of its size. When I first moved here, the German Army was still training in Shilo so there were only three things that slowed traffic in Brandon; trains, tanks (and other military vehicles) and combines. It wasn’t uncommon to be stuck behind a slow-moving combine on 18th Street.

Darcy: I liked the idea of being in smaller classes and gaining hands-on experience. I learned at a young age that I learned by doing, so ACC seemed like a good fit.

What was your favorite class? Did you have a favorite instructor?

Leslie: I had a few instructors that were special to me, but Eunice Kufflick was one of the best. Our relationship changed from instructor/ student to one of colleagues after I started working at the college. We remained friends until her passing in 2009. I am lucky enough to also be working with one of my instructors, Dave Perkins, who is the interim Registrar.

Darcy: I enjoyed the management accounting classes taught by Tamra Rapsky, the law classes taught by Bobbie Robertson, and (I can’t believe I’m saying this) the statistics classes taught by Dave Perkins.

What were the most important skills that you gained at ACC and how have these skills applied to your career?

Darcy: Because of my studies at ACC I had the knowledge needed to set up both of my businesses. It helps to keep operating expenses down when you can do handle all the accounting needs yourself.

What advice do you have for people who may have their sights set on opening their own business?

Do your research, and be sure that your business offers something that differentiates you from everyone else. Don’t be afraid to take a risk some of the most famous, successful people have experienced failed business ventures.

Tell us about Kickin Axe Throwing.

Our current hours are Wednesday and Thursday, 5 to 9 p.m., Fridays 5 to 10 p.m. and Saturdays 3 to 10 p.m. Kickin’ Axe Throwing is in a new location on Princess Ave, which now includes a wreck room (commonly referred to as a rage room or smash room), a lounge that includes a pool table and dart boards, a license to serve alcohol and appetizer menu options provided by, our neighbours, The Dock. We have met a lot of fun and interesting people since opening, and have also formed some really good relationships with other small business owners in Brandon.