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Student Spotlight: Jungmin Yang

In this Student Spotlight we chat with Hotel and Restaurant Management student, Jungmin Yang, about the program and Harvest on the Hill.

The Hotel and Restaurant Management program provides a solid foundation for marketable skills and management training in food and beverage, marketing and sales, human resource management, and accounting. Students are involved in group and community projects that include the operation of an actual high-end dining facility.

Can you tell us a little about yourself? Where did you attend high school?

My name is Jungmin Yang. I’m South Korean and came to Canada six years ago. I’ve traveled through China and Japan, 5 and 7 years respectively. I arrived in London Ontario and finished my high school there and then ended up moving to Brandon for my parent's work reasons.

Have you been to Brandon before? How are you enjoying your time here?

Nope I’ve never been to Brandon before I moved here from Ontario, this will be my second year living here. One thing for sure it’s really peaceful and nice here. People say it’s small, but I feel it’s the smaller community that bonds people together.

What made you decide to come to ACC? Why did you choose Hotel and Restaurant Management?

As an International Student I looked around at some different programs in Agriculture and Environment and Trades and Technology but eventually decided on Hotel and Restaurant Management. Originally I wanted to be a Chef but after some discussion with my family I decided on Hotel and Restaurant management.

I enjoy the opportunity to interact with people and customers. Psychology is part of the hospitality industry; it’s the small details that we care for that create the overall experience for the customer. If we can understand and learn more about a customer we can make their experience better and more pleasing.

How has your experience been so far?

I’m glad I ended up taking the program. Hospitality and customer service is such a large industry and so important for any business.

Did you do anything to prepare yourself coming into the program?

Not much, I didn’t have much time. I’m still pretty fresh out of high school (laughs)

Has anything surprised you about the program so far?

Everything is brand new to me. There’s a lot of responsibility.

I understand you were involved with Harvest on the Hill, can you explain what that is?

Harvest on the Hill is an annual event hosted at the ACC North Hill Campus. The Culinary Arts, Horticultural Production, and Hotel and Restaurant Management programs join up to organize and run the event. Horticultural Production is involved with growing and producing the ingredients such as vegetables and herbs, Culinary Arts prepares the food being served, and we (Hotel and Restaurant Management) would research beer to pair with each dish and help with the organizing and planning.

How do you choose which beer to pair with each dish? Is there a process?

It depends on the profile of the flavor, which we usually describe as either sweet, sour, salty or bitter. There’s also a term we use called umami, which is Japanese term used to describe the depth of flavor and how pleasant and long a flavor lingers your palate.

For example if you were to drink a something with a high percentage of alcohol you wouldn’t want to pair it with a food that’s too spicy or too bitter because it would over excite your palate. You want to match up the intensity of beer and the flavor of the food and figure out what works best.

Did you work with other students from any other programs?

We had a mix of year one and year two students from both Culinary Arts and Hotel and Restaurant Management programs. Me being a second year I already had the basic knowledge of how flavor works. We were either looking to enhance the flavor or add contrast by adding two different flavors. I used a Trappist 10 beer, which is a hoppy beer with a creamy texture, and less carbonation so there was definitely some intensity to it.

We worked together a group to pair and match everything.

Do you have a favorite beer?

I have a big sweet tooth. I like to drink fruit beers. I would personally recommend a grapefruit beer called Waterloo Radler.

What are your classmates and instructors like?

Everyone is really nice. Of course not everyone is the same and has different opinions and choices on things which can provide a challenge. Our instructor Kyle Zalluski is really nice, he goes out of his way to teach us and help us everyone.

Is there anything in particular you’re excited to learn about?

In year two we are learning a lot about business. I don’t know what to expect yet but so far I’m really excited to learn about the business side of the industry and marketing.

I understand the program goes on the occasional trip or tour. Is your class planning on going on any this year?

In year one we went on a trip to Winnipeg and got to visit Half Pints Brewing Company and the Fort Gary. We are also trying to plan a Niagara wine tour for May. We’re not sure yet if it’s going to happen or not but hopefully it works out.

Do you have any advice for potential students looking to take the Hotel and Restaurant Management program?

If you enjoy something go and do it. Don’t avoid it.

Do you have any plans for after graduation?

It might sound naive, but my friend back in Ontario and I want to eventually open up a bar. It would be an Izakaya, which is a Japanese type of bar which is more of a restaurant or lounge type of establishment. I’d also like to become a sommelier or cicerone (beer sommelier).

What’s something about you that would surprise people?

I’m 19 and I can speak four languages—Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and English. I plan to learn either Russian, German, or French in the future.

Are you involved in any activities outside college?

I was involved with the ACC Students’ Association last year and enjoy a bunch of different activities.

Do you have any favorite TV shows/movies or hobbies?

I don’t watch TV at all. I like to make crafts, read, work out, and I play games a lot. I’m a fan of Japanese games. I just watched the movie The Martian and it was really good.

Thanks for taking the time to speak with me Jungmin!

Thanks for having me.