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Program Spotlight: Piping Trades

Program spotlight: Piping Trades

It’s no secret there’s a shortage of skilled tradespeople and that the shortage is only increasing as baby boomers retire and take their knowledge with them. Plumbing is one of the trades being hit; so now, more than ever, is a great time to jump into a career that is so necessary it’s akin to the need for doctors, lawyers or other specialized professions. It’s a job that requires niche knowledge and a skillset most people just simply do not have—you can probably think of one or two people who have tried to fix plumbing problems themselves, made it worse, and then realized they need to call in a professional to fix things.

There are lots of preconceived notions and stereotypes about the piping trades. It is, at times, a misunderstood industry. Many may label plumbing as a “dirty trade”; however, there are more options and opportunities in this diverse area of expertise than you likely realize.

Sure, there’s the neighbourhood plumbing company and its workers that we all know (and need —usually at 3 a.m.—to help us out of a jam, both figuratively and literally). But did you know that getting into the trade of plumbing doesn’t only mean doing house calls and fixing toilets? It absolutely can if that’s where your interest lies, but skilled piping tradespeople work in all kinds of industries. As you move up in apprenticeship, you could find yourself designing plumbing systems for new buildings, deciding how to manage, repair and expand city or municipal water systems, consulting on heating and cooling methodology, or even coming up with new plumbing technology and processes that move the trade forward.

There are personal and professional benefits to being in the trade. You’ll be physically and mentally active at the same time, keeping your body fit through constant movement, but also sharpening your mind as you analyze and tackle problems. Plumbing is also a social trade. You won’t be stuck in an office all day; instead, if you’re a friendly person who believes in good customer service, you’ll likely find yourself inundated with offers of work. People truly need and respect someone with a good worth ethic and generally reward positive interactions with repeat business.

Assiniboine’s nine-month Piping Trades certificate program is unique as it will introduce you to multiple trades at once. You’ll concentrate on plumbing, gas and pipe fitting, but also learn about furnaces, heating, air conditioning and air exchange systems, water treatment, fire sprinkler systems, water and sewer, and sheet metal. And, the program places special emphasis on the role of plumbing in public health and wastewater management concerns, a rapidly growing field that deals with environmental issues.

Piping Trades starts this September. To learn more, visit or consider attending a free, online information session. Go to to register and to see upcoming dates and times.