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Student Spotlight: Belinda Kowalchuk

We spoke with Belinda Kowalchuk, a student currently attending the Mature Student High School program at our Adult Collegiate.

Can you tell us a little about yourself?

My name is Belinda Kowalchuk and I’m taking my Mature High School Diploma at the Assiniboine Community College Adult Collegiate. I was born in South Africa and when I was 17 my parents and I moved to Australia. In 2005 I got married and moved to Canada with my husband.

Had you ever been to Brandon before moving here?

Nope. I had never even been to Canada until I got married and moved to Brandon.

What made you decide attend ACC and work towards your high school diploma?

When we left South Africa I was in my final two years of high school. My parents gave me the option to either move with them to Australia or stay and finish my high school. I ended up deciding to move with my parents—the excitement of a new country was too tempting.

When we got to Australia I was given another option, find a job or go back to school. The teenager in me at the time decided it would be the best choice to find a job instead of going back to school. I did end up regretting my choice in the end.

Years later I got married and moved to Canada. I didn’t really know anyone here at first and was pretty reclusive. I also wasn’t a permanent resident so I couldn’t even work or study without the necessary paperwork. In 2012 we decided to start the required paperwork for my sponsorship and in January 2015 my paperwork was finalized. The first thing that came to my mind was that I could finally go back to school and finish my high school diploma.

I also have a friend who finished her mature high school diploma at ACC and recommended it to me.

How has your experience been so far?

I never had the greatest experience in high school and suffered from anxiety. In high school I never really asked questions and wasn’t really shown how to learn. So, needless to say, I was really nervous coming back to school because all I could picture in my mind was my first experience. I was terrified.

After talking with administration and sitting down for an interview I started to feel really comfortable with the idea. My friend also reassured me ACC wasn’t going to be like the traditional high school experience. Since coming here, the ACC staff have given me the confidence I need to succeed. I always had this feeling that I wasn’t really good at school because of my first experience. I’m excited to say I’m exceling at my classes now and feel more mature and confident because of it.

Can you explain a little about the program and what you’ve learned so far?

Right now I’m taking grade 11 applied math, and it won’t be long until I get started into grade my 12 math. All my other courses are at grade 12 levels.

Math anxiety came through probably the most from high school. I never passed grade 10 math in high school and always had it stuck in my head that I couldn’t do it. However, since coming back to school I’ve been excelling at math. The self-confidence issues I had with my learning and myself have disappeared. I really underestimated my abilities. I’m constantly told now to have more faith in myself, I love that about ACC. Everyone is here because they want to be here. It’s not like high school where people are basically forced to go. That alone just adds to the comfort level. People are willing to help when you’re stuck and you can ask questions without worrying about feeling stupid asking them. I really believe it’s because of the comfort I feel when I’m here that I’m able to thrive.

Has anything surprised you about the Mature Student High School?

Probably how unlike high school the classes actually are. Initially, I was so wrapped up in own anxiety and insecurities from my past experiences that I made this false idea of what I was going to be getting myself into. Class sizes were so much larger in my original high school environment and because of my shyness I didn’t want to ask questions. Here class sizes are smaller, a lot more personal, and offer more one-on-one time. I can approach instructors to get the help I need if I don’t understand a specific subject. There’s always someone to help you.

What are you classmates and the instructors like?

As for size, the Math and English classes are the largest just because they are mandatory for your diploma. The others are electives and seem to vary. The instructors are extremely helpful and know what they’re talking about. They explain it on a level that it’s easy to understand. Our classes are very diverse and really friendly, everyone is here for the same purpose.

Did you know what to expect coming into ACC? Did you do anything to prepare yourself before coming into the program?

I tried to, I was still trapped in the high school mentality. I had never been in a adult learning environment. I came for a walk through before so could get a little familiar with things before my first day. My friends and guidance councilor prepared me for it, they ensured me it wasn’t high school. Everyone attending made a decision to come back to school and really want to be here. You’re never fully prepared until you start but it’s something you pick up and get settled in fairly quickly.

Do you have any advice for other people looking to take English as a Second Language?

If you’re thinking about doing it, just do it. You won’t regret it. If anyone has insecurities don’t worry, you won’t find a better place that makes you feel as comfortable as here. They make you feel so welcome and everything is so friendly. It’s hard not to fit in. If you’re thinking about it that means you’re ready to do it, like they say “grab the bull by the horns”. When you come here your peers are all ages from all and nobody is looking down on you. Everyone wants to better himself or herself.

Do you have any plans for after graduation?

Well, I’ve been involved with childcare since I got my paperwork. I really enjoyed it but I never had a formal education.

I decided to take courses that would lead me into my ideal career path of working with children. In Australia I actually had my own in-home daycare center. I knew I wanted to get my high school diploma but now I’m even looking one step further and hope to continue my education and find a career. Just last week I applied for the Early Childhood Education program at ACC. I’ll be attending in September.

Is there anything in particular you’re excited to learn about?

I’m excited about continuing my education in the Early Childhood Education program after I get my high school diploma. I never thought I’d be back in school let alone pursing a college education. I’m very happy—it’s never too late to continue your education.

I’m excited to learn about child development. I worked with children and know the basics but don’t know much in the sense of their developmental growth. There’s such a demand for this type of career and I can’t wait to dive in.

What’s something about you that would surprise people?

I’m a lot smarter than I give myself credit for. It might sound odd, but that’s something I really struggled with. I felt dumb because I didn’t have my high school and fell into the stereotype that there was something wrong with me.

The other thing that might surprise people is probably how shy I am. I hide it really well though because my defense mechanism is just talking through my shyness; it’s hard for people to tell.

Another surprising fact is that I lost 70lbs a couple of years ago through hard work and forming new habits.

Are you involved in any activities outside the college?

I’m actually on the graduation committee. We put together a group to plan and organize our graduation coming up in June. I’m helping out with the decorating—it’s The Great Gatsby theme.

What’s your favorite food?

Toasted tomato onion and cheese sandwiches. Oh, and of course, coffee.

Do you have any favorite TV shows, movies, or hobbies?

I really enjoyed the movie Once Upon a Time. As for TV shows I’m really into weight loss shows like Fit to Fat to Fit or The Biggest Loser.

As for hobbies, and it feels weird to say, studying. I never thought I’d say that. Other than that, I enjoy writing, scrapbooking, and baking.

Thank you for speaking with us.

Thank you!