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Parkland welcomes new campus director, Carol Stewart, to campus

Carol Stewart

Assiniboine Community College’s Parkland campus has a new face welcoming students to campus this month. Campus Director, Carol Stewart, relocated to her hometown of Dauphin earlier this summer, and looks forward to starting the new academic year on campus. She began her role as Director, Parkland campus in fall 2022.

“I am thrilled to be settling into Parkland life,” said Stewart. “There is a level of optimism and energy that I have noticed across this community – from its leaders, citizens, service providers and businesses – which promises a commitment to change and growth to improve the lives and futures of our residents.”

“I look forward to bringing my expertise and experience back to the community which welcomed my family as immigrants from Jamaica 40 years ago. Growing up in the Parkland region has shaped my appreciation of the strength, kindness, and generous spirit of smaller communities – and the true power and potential of their people.”

Stewart graduated from Dauphin Regional Comprehensive Secondary School and went on to complete an undergraduate degree at Brandon University, then on to Western University in London, Ontario for graduate school. She has international experience having taught university courses while travelling to India to conduct international development research.

Stewart brings with her a wealth of knowledge and experience from the education sector. She comes to the college with experience as Manager of the Employment Sector Council – a network of employment, training, education, post-secondary academic and community development stakeholders from across Southwestern Ontario.

“Carol has made great strides with the Parkland campus in her first year with the college,” said Dr. Deanna Rexe, VP Academic at Assiniboine. “We are thrilled to officially welcome her to campus, and look forward to the leadership and energy she brings to the campus and community of Dauphin.”

Her priorities as she starts her new role include supporting positive Assiniboine student satisfaction and academic successes; building on the responsiveness, flexibility, inclusion and Indigenization efforts of Parkland Campus faculty and staff; and growing mutually beneficial relationships with Parkland region employers and community stakeholders to engage diverse talent pools, develop skills in-demand, and strengthen learning options for all students.

One of her favourite moments since arriving in Dauphin was presiding over the Parkland campus graduation in June.

“Our graduating students represent the very best of who we strive to be, and all of ACC’s staff and faculty look forward to celebrating their accomplishments alongside their family and friends,” she said. “The relationships that are built here at Parkland campus often last for a lifetime, and being a part of this fellowship as Director is something I will never forget.”

“I am grateful to join Assiniboine’s Parkland Campus and community as we grow, learn, share and shine together,” Stewart concluded.