
If you apply pesticide professionally in Manitoba, you must be certified and licensed through Manitoba Agriculture. Assiniboine offers certification for the Pesticide Core and all licence categories.


The first step to obtaining your license is certification with Assiniboine. Certification is valid for five years and expires on December 31st of the fifth calendar year. Re-certification is required through Assiniboine every five years. The Guide to Pesticide Certification outlines the steps to take to complete your certification/recertification.

Certification categories include:
  • Pesticide Core (PEST-0053)
  • Aerial (PEST-0052)
  • Agriculture Ground (PEST-0030)
  • Pesticide Dealer (PEST-0046)
  • Forestry (PEST-0004)
  • Stored Ag Products (PEST-0032)
  • Greenhouse (PEST-0033)
  • Industrial (PEST-0006)
  • Landscape/Golf Course (PEST-0140)
  • Livestock Products (PEST-0013)
  • Mosquito (PEST-0010)
  • Rural Municipal (PEST-0011)
  • Seed Treatment (PEST-0008)
  • Structural (PEST-0031)

To learn more about these certification categories, view the Courses & Costs tab.


Admission Requirements

There are no admission requirements for this program.

English is the language of instruction at Assiniboine. All applicants educated outside of Canada or in a country not on the test-exempt list are expected to meet the English language proficiency requirements.

next STEPs

To register for a Pesticide Certification exam, click 'REGISTER NOW' below, enter "PEST" in the 'Course Code Number or Keyword in Title' field, and choose your preferred exam date. View all available exam dates.

If a company is sponsoring you and they require an invoice for direct billing or you do not have access to a credit card or smartphone, please email [email protected].

REGISTer now

Careers & Connections


This program is specifically designed to provide training and exams for people who require Manitoba Pesticide Applicator and/or Dealer Certification.


Manitoba Agriculture, in co-operation with Assiniboine, has authorized this training program designed to prepare prospective candidates for licensing in Manitoba.

Assiniboine has a number of agreements with other colleges, universities and professional organizations, making it possible to apply credit taken at Assiniboine to programs at other institutions. For information on agreements, see Articulation Agreements.


Students who successfully complete the required Pesticide Core exam plus one other Pesticide category may apply for licensing to Manitoba Agriculture. Once you have successfully achieved your certification, you can apply to Manitoba Agriculture who will issue your license. Manitoba Agriculture requires an applicant for a Pesticide licence to be 18 years of age or older. You must apply for your license annually. For more information on licensing visit the Manitoba Agriculture page.

If you have passed your required exams and are ready to apply for your license, please remember to include a copy of your final grade report which you can view/print from your MyACC account.

Manitoba Reciprocity Pesticide Legislation Exam

If you are certified and licensed in another province, Manitoba Agriculture recognizes and accepts that certification if it meets the National Standards and was granted within 5 years. To certify in Manitoba, you must first apply for a pesticide license with Manitoba Agriculture. Once approved, Manitoba Agriculture will direct you to Assiniboine to register and complete the Manitoba Reciprocity exam.

Aerial CEC Recertification

In addition to providing certification exams for Aerial Applicator licensing, Assiniboine also recognizes Aerial Applicator Recertification continuing education credits (CECs). Aerial applicators register in the course PEST-0052 and receive a passing mark at the end of their five-year recertification period by acquiring the required number of CECs in the required concepts as established by the Prairie Provinces Certification Committee. For more specific information regarding the Aerial Applicators CEC Program, contact the program Agriculture Extension Administrative Assistant. To register please complete the form below.

Tools & Supplies


The Pesticide Certification program is a self-directed home study program that requires the purchase of a manual for self-study in preparation for the exam.

Assiniboine Bookstore

Manuals for the Pesticide Certification program may be purchased at the Assiniboine Bookstore at the Victoria Avenue East Campus.

  • Pesticide Core (PEST-0053)
  • Aerial (PEST-0052)
  • Agriculture Ground (PEST-0030)
  • Pesticide Dealer (PEST-0046)
  • Forestry (PEST-0004)
  • Stored Ag Products (PEST-0032)
  • Greenhouse (PEST-0033)
  • Industrial (PEST-0006)
  • Landscape/Golf Course (PEST-0140)
  • Livestock Products (PEST-0013)
  • Mosquito (PEST-0010)
  • Rural Municipal (PEST-0011) NEW Manual
  • Seed Treatment (PEST-0008) NEW Manual
  • Structural (PEST-0031)

Shop Now

On receipt of the manuals, review the material and make use of any exercises, practice questions or activities included. If you are having problems understanding the material, reach out to industry experts and/or colleagues.
Manuals are updated annually. Please be aware that should you choose to use manual versions that are not current, it may jeopardize your exam outcome.


If you are new to pesticide application or are preparing to re-certify, you will find a pesticide tutorial right for you. These live online three-hour tutorials include a presentation by your instructor, an industry expert who will share with you the key concepts of applying pesticides for the work you do and common pests you encounter. The Tutorial Program Information Sheet, provides additional details about the tutorials, including categories, dates and registration information.

Register for a tutorial

Exam Preparation

Assiniboine uses the Meazure Learning proctoring system for online pesticide exams. Before registering for your exam, please ensure the computer you’ll be using meets Meazure requirements:

Computer readiness check

Meazure system requirements:
  • You will need to be at a computer that has access to a microphone and a camera.
  • System requires Windows 10 or higher.
  • System requires the download of Guardian Browser.
  • Internet speed must be at least 2 Mbps download and 2 Mbps upload. Hot spots are not recommended.
  • Browser with pop-up blocker disabled.

Technology Requirements

All of our programs require the use of a computer with internet access. Some resources may be available on campus. For more details, see At-Home Computing.

Courses & Costs


Course manuals cost $120 per manual. The exam fee is $135 per exam. The total cost for students writing the Pesticide Core exam and category exam is $510.

Certification Categories

New for 2025

  • New manuals have been published for Seed Treatment and Rural Municipal. More information on manuals can be found on the Tools and Supplies tab above.
  • Some codes for exams have changed, please refer to the table below for the correct code to make registration easier.

The following are all of the categories available for certification. All applicators must have their Core certification plus the appropriate category or Dealer category in order to obtain a licence.

Pesticide Core (PEST-0053) 

Applicators learn the unique properties of pesticide products, proper use and handling of pesticides, safety and health precautions for the applicator and the environment, and emergency responses and procedures. They study the aspects of applying pesticides and the major federal and provincial regulations affecting the application of pesticides. Applicators also learn how to determine pesticide application rates, batch calculations, calibrate and operate application equipment.

Aerial (PEST-0052)

Applicators learn about pesticides, regulations, health and safety, environmental safety, pest management, application technology, emergency response and professionalism specific to the application of pesticides by aerial equipment.

Agriculture Ground (PEST-0030)

Applicators learn about pesticides, regulations, health and safety, environmental safety, pest management, application technology, emergency response and professionalism specific to pesticide application on agricultural land by ground equipment.

Pesticide Dealer (PEST-0046)

Pesticide dealers learn the responsibilities and duties of individuals who handle and sell pesticide products at the retail level (such as employees at an agriculture or pesticide supply business). It is not intended for pesticide applicators. It covers general information about pesticides, regulations, labels, health and safety, environmental safety, basic pest management, application technology, emergency response and professionalism.

Forestry (PEST-0004) 

Applicators learn about pesticides, regulations, health and safety, environmental safety, pest management, application technology, emergency response and professionalism specific to the application of pesticides in forest areas.

Stored Ag Products (PEST-0032) 

Applicators learn about pesticides, regulations, health and safety, environmental safety, pest management, application technology, emergency response and professionalism specific to the application of fumigant gases in stored grains (farm and grain elevators) and stored grain products (flour mills and grain product storage facilities).

Greenhouse (PEST-0033)

Applicators learn about pesticides, regulations, health and safety, environmental safety, pest management, application technology, emergency response and professionalism specific to applying pesticides in and immediately around greenhouses or interior plantscapes (excluding the use of restricted fumigants).

Industrial (PEST-0006) 

Applicators learn about pesticides, regulations, health and safety, environmental safety, pest management, application technology, emergency response and professionalism specific to the application of pesticides to rights-of-way or industrial sites.

Landscape/Golf Course (PEST-0140) 

Applicators learn about pesticides, regulations, health and safety, environmental safety, pest management, application technology, emergency response and professionalism specific to the application of pesticides to trees, lawns, boulevards and golf courses.

Livestock Products (PEST-0013) 

Applicators learn the special properties of agricultural pesticides that are used for the protection of agricultural animals and treatment for insect pests that affect farm animals. Students are also made aware of the difference between pesticides that have a Pest Control Products (PCP) number and those that have a Drug Identification Number (DIN).

Mosquito (PEST-0010) 

Applicators learn about pesticides, regulations, health and safety, environmental safety, pest management, application technology, emergency response and professionalism specific to the application of pesticides to control mosquitoes and biting flies.

Rural Municipal (PEST-0011) 

Municipal applicators learn about pesticides, regulations, health and safety, environmental safety, pest management, application technology, emergency response and professionalism specific to the application of pesticides on rights-of-way and industrial sites and herbicide application on pastures and rangeland, outdoor residential property, commercial property (e.g. cemeteries and municipal golf courses) and for the control of noxious weeds within rural municipalities.

Seed Treatment (PEST-0008)

Applicators learn about pesticides, regulations, health and safety, environmental safety, pest management, application technology, emergency response and professionalism specific to the application of pesticides to seed.

Structural (PEST-0031) 

Applicators learn about pesticides, regulations, health and safety, environmental safety, pest management, application technology, emergency response and professionalism specific to the application of pesticides in and immediately around commercial or residential dwellings, storage warehouses and other structures.


If you have any questions regarding your certification or are unsure of which category is applicable to your work, please contact [email protected].


Helpful Tips for Enrolling Online

If you are new to the College you will be given a username at the end of the registration process. Please make note of this at the bottom of your payment acknowledgement. A temporary password will be emailed to you and you will be prompted to change this during your first login.

If you are a returning student, you will already have a username and password.

If you need help accessing your MyACC, please contact our IT Service Desk with your student # by email at [email protected] or by phone at 204-725-8700 ext 6765. If you cannot find your student ID number, please contact registration by email at [email protected] or by phone at 204-725-8700 ext 4032.

Please review your personal information on MyACC to ensure we have your correct information. If you have any changes to make to your address, name, or birthdate please contact [email protected]. A name change document (such as a Marriage Certificate, License, etc. will be required for a legal name change).

Once registered, you can expect an email within 7 days of registration. Please read this email carefully as it has important information to act upon including your username, the importance of MyACC, how to access your grades, receipts and tax information. It is a good idea to login at least a couple days in advance to ensure your account is fully operational.

If you have not received this email within 2 days of your exam, verify your email through MyACC and contact [email protected] to have it resent.


How much time should I allow to go through the process of getting my license from beginning to end?

10 weeks. Your first step is to certify through Assiniboine and the next step is licensing with Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development.

I have a manual from six years ago - should I get a new one?

Yes. Regulations and legislation change along with technical information and forms.

How do I register for my exam?

Registration for all pesticide exams except the Reciprocal exam is completed online through Instant Enrolment. Click on the Admissions tab above and follow the instructions provided. If you are being sponsored by a company and they require an invoice for direct billing, or you do not have access to a credit card, please contact [email protected].

I have forgotten my MyACC username and password. Where can I get assistance?

If you are new to Assiniboine and registered for an exam online, you will be given your username at the bottom of your payment notification. You will then receive a separate email, with your temporary password. You will be prompted to change your password with your initial login.

If you are a returning student, use the same username and password you have used previously.

Please contact [email protected] or our IT Service Desk by email at [email protected] or by phone at 204-725-8700 ext 6765 if you need help accessing your MyACC account (you will need your student ID number). If you cannot find your student ID number, please contact registration by email at [email protected] or by phone at 204-725-8700 ext 4032.

What if I need to change my exam date after I register?

You must contact [email protected] or call 204-725-8700 ext. 6716 at least 1 business day prior to the first day of exam window to acquire necessary forms that you will need to complete and submit.

What if I am sick on the exam day?

Notify us by email to [email protected] or call 204-725-8700 ext. 6716 and submit a copy of your medical certificate within five business days of the exam date to be transferred to another exam date at no charge.

Can I register late?

No, you must register at least seven business days before your chosen exam date.

How many exams can I write in one day?

Because the online exams are offered in a two-day window, you can complete as many exams as you need to in a scheduled exam window.

What if I fail my exam?

To rewrite an exam, you must repeat the registration and fee payment process. If you fail on the second exam writing, you must contact the Coordinator of Ag Extension at 204.725.8700 ext. 6392 before making a third attempt. After a third failed attempt, you must wait six months before writing again.

How can I access my receipts?

Receipts and Tax Information can be found on your MyACC account under Financial Information.

How do I update my personal information?

You can update your phone number, email, and emergency contacts on your MyACC account under User Profile. To change your mailing address or to correct your birthdate or name, please email [email protected]. A name change document (such as a Marriage Certificate, License, etc. will be required for a legal name change).

Program Details

Determined by students
Program Start
Course Load
Agriculture Extension
204.725.8700 ext 6716