Baljeet Singh BSc, MSc, PhD

Dr. Baljeet Singh is a Faculty Researcher for the Russ Edwards School of Agriculture & Environment at Assiniboine College, Brandon. He earned a Ph.D. (Soil Science) from the University of Manitoba (2016), in addition to an M.Sc. (Entomology) and B.Sc. Agriculture Hons. from Punjab Agricultural University, India. Dr. Singh has experience working with various national and international initiatives, having worked in academic, research and consulting collaborations focusing on entomology, agronomy, soil, and pesticides sciences.
Currently, Dr. Singh focuses on developing improved diagnostic tools (multiplex PCR based methods) for detection of soybean pathogens; the development of diseases and insect pest survey protocols; and agronomic research trials for soybean, peas and cereal crops. Dr. Singh is experienced in pesticide sorption and degradation research with a combination of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy.
Research Focus
- Crop Pest Management
- Crop Production Challenges
- Soil Nutrient Management and Soil Health
- Soil Fertility
- Pesticide Degradation and Efficacy Studies
- Agronomic Research Trials
- Disease and Insect Pest Survey
Most Significant Contributions:
- (2020-2023) Development of Improved Diagnostics Tools for Pathogens of Soybean.
- This research project is developing multiplex PCR-based methods to detect fungal and oomycete pathogens of soybean in foliar and stem tissues rapidly and effectively. Project methodology is designed to detect co-infection status in diseased tissues by identifying up to five foliar or stem pathogens. This method is precise and economical (less than $10 per sample), and it also saves time between sample collection and accurate diagnoses. Once developed, these diagnostic tools will be incorporated into annual disease surveillance programs in Manitoba.
- Practical Application: This improved method of pathogen detection will allow surveyors to pinpoint the regions and/or fields that are in greatest need of pesticide treatment – ultimately enhancing crop protection, and doing so, with minimized environmental impact.
- Project Collaborators: Assiniboine Community College, Brandon University and Manitoba Pulses and Soybean Grower. Research data for the year 2021 is being analyzed for Manuscript publication.
- (2021-2023) AI (Artificial Intelligence) driven decision support tool (DST) for alfalfa’s winter survival and persistency CASPP-040.
- This research project is a Canada-wide study to develop a diagnostic and decision support tool (DDST) to assess and improve alfalfa winter survival rates and persistency – by combining scouting data and drone imagery with artificial intelligence (AI). The research will help alfalfa production by predicting winter survival via diagnostic tools. In addition, the project will also look at soil information to help identify the soil challenges in specific field zones that lead to poor alfalfa winter survival rates.
- Practical Application: This DDST development project will provide predictions of the impact of alternative management practices on survival rates and persistency – assisting forage producers in improving production, and also supporting the livestock industry.
- Project Collaborators: Assiniboine Community College, Canadian Grassland and Forage Association, McGill University, and many other research institutions. Research data for the year 2021 is being analyzed for Manuscript publication.
- (2021-2022) Weather Based Fungicide Application Decision Support Tool (FADST) for Managing White Mould in Dry Beans in Manitoba.
- This project is developing a real-time weather-based fungicide application decision support tool (FADST) using the ArcGIS platform, based on the integration of weather data and a disease severity model. This newly developed tool will help predict i) regional-scale disease risk, using weather data in real-time and processed for a 7-day weekly rolling average; and ii) disease severity values (DSV) of related weather parameters, such as rainfall and temperature. Local growers will enter agronomic and crop varietal information – to narrow down the risk of disease development.
- Practical Application: This real-time tool will help producers make instant fungicide application decisions during high disease pressure conditions, using disease risk maps for geographic production areas. Additionally, these production strategies decrease pathogen crop selection pressures, and reduce the risk of crops developing a fungicide resistance.
- Project Collaborators: Assiniboine Community College and Manitoba Pulses and Soybean Growers. Research data for the year 2021 is being analyzed for Manuscript publication.
- (2021) On-Farm Network Soybean Row Spacing Trials.
- The influence of row spacing on canopy architecture is often a driving factor in the decision to narrow soybean spacing. Generally, narrower spacing should increase the rate and extent of canopy closure. Why is this an important agronomic consideration? To address this question, Manitoba-wide on-farm field trials were conducted at R1, R3, and R5 crop stages and results were published in Pulse Beat for Manitoba soybean producers. Out of the 12 total row spacing trials conducted through the OFN so far, narrower row spacing increased yield compared to wider spacing in five trials. There were significant yield differences in each of the three categories of row spacing comparisons 7.5” vs. 15", 10” vs. 20", and 15” vs. 30" (units used here are in inches).
- Practical Application: The results from these trials can help Manitoba producers select an appropriate row spacing for soybean production, as it can help maximize yield while keeping weed pressure to the minimum and saving cost for additional application of herbicides to manage weeds.
- Project Collaborators: Assiniboine Community College and Manitoba Pulses and Soybean Growers
- (2021-2023) Development of a Decision Support Tool (DST) for Potato Irrigation Scheduling using Soil and Weather Data Modelling.
- The proposed research will help develop a tool to determine when irrigation should begin and cease for the season when irrigation should resume following rain/irrigation events, and suggest irrigation events for the coming week based on soil and canopy moisture data, soil and air temperature, soil texture, crop development stage, cultivar, and weather forecasts.
- Practical Application: The proposed research will develop algorithms to assemble sensor data, run the models, and generate output automatically on a phone app to display risk map results in a grower-friendly format and in a timely enough manner that the industry would adopt the application. The second half of the proposed research project will also evaluate tuber post-harvest storability from the selected fields and data to optimize recommendations for the potato irrigation scheduling decision support tool.
- Project Collaborators: Assiniboine Community College and Manitoba Horticulture and Productivity Enhancement Center. Research data for the year 2021 is being analyzed for Manuscript publication.
Ongoing Projects:
- Development of Improved Diagnostics Tools for Pathogens of Soybean (2020-2023), in collaboration with Brandon University and Manitoba Pulses and Soybean Grower.
- AI (Artificial Intelligence) Driven Support Decision Tool for Improving Alfalfa's Winter Survival and Persistency (2021-2023), in collaboration with Canadian Grassland and Forage Association (CGFA) and McGill University, Quebec.
- ACC-MPSG Product Evaluation and Comparison Trials 2023 – Year Two. Baljeet Singh (Collaborator). Comparative Fungicide Efficacy Testing for Managing Mycosphaerella Blight and White Mould in Peas in Manitoba. (2022-2023).
- Trials to compare the relative performance (fungicide efficacy and impact on yield) of five different registered foliar fungicide products at three testing sites in controlling Mycosphaerella blight in peas in Manitoba.
- Application of Biochar as Soil Amendment to Improve Health and Quality of Manitoba Soils while limiting the carbon release to the environment. Led by Dr. Baljeet Singh with Jonique Farms St. Laurent, MB.
- This project aims to incorporate biochar into farmland to improve soil health, enhance crop yields, and reduce environmental impact. The focus is on optimizing biochar application rates and techniques, particularly in Manitoba field trials. Since biochar lacks plant nutrients, a well-planned crop fertilization strategy is essential. The overall goal is to enhance soil quality, increase crop productivity, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by reintroducing waste carbon into the soil.
- Developing an Irrigation Decision Tool for Manitoba’s Commercial Potato Growers. With Dr. Sajjad A. Rao, partnered with Manitoba Horticulture Productivity Enhancement Centre (MHPEC) Inc., Carberry MB.
- Accurate irrigation scheduling is crucial for potato farming in Manitoba to mitigate pests and stress-related issues. Potatoes are sensitive to soil water deficits, requiring maintenance of soil moisture levels between 65% and 100% during key growth stages. This study aims to develop a decision support tool by assessing soil moisture and environmental factors, enabling better irrigation scheduling for optimal plant and tuber growth.
- Near-Infrared Spectrometry for Manitoba Soil Physiochemical Properties Determination.
- A study using Near-Infrared Spectrometry (NIRS) to analyze soil properties at 120 MB Agriculture weather stations. This non-destructive and rapid approach will provide data for better soil moisture modeling, assess the accuracy of NIRS for various soil properties, and enhance the efficiency of soil analysis in Manitoba. The research intends to utilize numerous soil samples from these locations to determine a wide range of physical and chemical soil properties, ultimately improving the accuracy and versatility of pedotransfer functions.
- Fungicide performance trials (Partnered with MPSG).
Extension/Research Trial Reports:
- Megan Bourns and Baljeet Singh (2021) Tighten the row and watch yield grow. ON-Farm Network Row Spacing Trials, Pulse Beat, pp 37-38.

- Parkland Crop Diversification Foundation Annual Field Day. July 27, 2022.
- The Ascochyta/Mycosphaerella blight complex is a significant and economically damaging foliar disease in peas (Pisum sativum) in Manitoba. It is caused by various fungi, including Ascochyta species and Mycosphaerella. Ascochyta infections affect different parts of the plant, including the leaves, foot, and pods. Mycosphaerella infection starts at the lower part of the plant and moves upward during early flowering. White mould, caused by Sclerotinia sclerotium, affects stems, leaves, pods, and seeds of peas and can lead to wilting and plant death. In 2018, Mycosphaerella blight was prevalent in all surveyed fields, while white mould was not detected. In 2022, a trial was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of fungicide products against Mycosphaerella blight, with 100% prevalence of the disease in test plots at two locations in Manitoba. The severity of the disease was rated between 2 and 3 on a 1-7 scale seven days after fungicide application.
- The Fungicide Application Decision Support Tool (FADST) for White Mould Management in Dry Beans in Manitoba, in collaboration with Manitoba Pulses and Soybean Grower.
- White Mould is a severe fungal disease affecting legumes and pulse crops in Manitoba, caused by the destructive pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, leading to significant annual revenue losses. Currently, disease management relies on fungicides, weather conditions, agronomic practices, and dry bean variety choices. To address this, a real-time weather-based FADST (Fungal Disease Assessment and Severity Tool) was developed using data from 108 MB Ag. weather stations. It uses a disease severity model from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to predict disease risk at the municipal level. The tool processes real-time weather data, calculating a 7-day rolling average and disease severity values. It was tested during the 2021-2022 growing seasons and provides freely accessible risk maps for dry bean producers through a dedicated web page. This FADST can be adapted for other crops and diseases, reducing reliance on pesticides while maintaining effective disease management and safeguarding the environment and farm economics.
Book Chapters:
- A. Farenhorst, Ross McQueen, Rai Kookana, Baljeet Singh and Diane Malley (2014). Spatial Variability of pesticide Sorption: Measurement and Integration to Pesticide Fate Models, American Chemical Society (ACS) Book Series, Chapter DOI: 10.1021/bk-20141174.ch014.
- B. Singh (Co-applicant), Brandon University (Lead Applicant). Letter of Intent- Canadian Pulse Science Research Cluster Next Policy Framework (2023-2028).
- Development of genetic control approaches for the major wireworm pest species in the Canadian Prairies.
- B. Singh (Co-applicant), Brandon University (Lead Applicant). Letter of Intent-Canadian National Barley Cluster (2018-23).
- Improved monitoring and the development of economic thresholds and risk forecasting tools for wireworms in the Canadian Prairies.
Courses Taught
- Agriculture and Environment ENVR-0001
- Agriculture Equipment AGRC-0006
- Agro-Ecology AGRC-0162
- Crop Pest Management AGRC-0295
- Soil and Soil Fertility AGRC-0290
- Soil and Water ENVR-0037
Recent Publications
Research Papers:
- Singh, B., and Bourns, M., (2021). On-Farm Network Soybean Row Spacing Trials-Tighten the row and watch yield grow? Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers; pulsebeat; Issue 92, March 2021.
- Singh, B., Farenhorst, A., McQueen, R., and Malley, D.F. (2016). Near-infrared spectroscopy as a tool for generating sorption input parameters for pesticide fate modeling. Soil Science Society of America journal, 80(3): 604-612.
- Farenhorst, A., McQueen, R., Kookana, R. Singh, B. and Malley, D.F. (2014). Spatial variability of pesticide sorption: Measurement and integration to pesticide fate models. American Chemical Society (ACS) Book Series, Chapter 14, 255-274. DOI: 10.1021/bk-2014-1174.
- Singh, B., Farenhorst, A., Gaultier, J. Pennock, D., Degenhardt, D. and Ross McQueen. (2014). Soil characteristics and herbicide sorption coefficients in 140 soil profiles of two irregular undulating to hummocky terrains of western Canada. Geoderma, 232-234: 107-116.
- Singh, B., Malley, D.F., Farenhorst, A., and Williams, P. (2012). Feasibility of using near-Infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) for rapid quantification of 17β-estradiol sorption coefficients in soil. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 60(40): 9948-9953.
- Singh, B., Farenhorst, A., and Malley, D.F. (2010). Feasibility of using NIR spectroscopy for predicting the behaviour of agricultural herbicides in agricultural soils. Near Infrared Spectroscopy News, 21(6), 7-9.
- Arora, P.K., Jyot, G., Singh, B., Battu, R.S., Singh, B, Aulakh, P.S. (2009). Persistence of imidacloprid on grape leaves, grape berries and soil. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 82(2): 239-42.
- Battu, R.S., Singh, B., Kooner, R., and Singh, B. (2008). Simple and efficient method for the estimation of residues of flubendiamide and its metabolite desiodo flubendiamide. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 56: 2299-2302.
- Arora, P.K., Jyot, G., Randhawa, P., Singh, B., Battu, R.S., and Singh, B. (2008). Dissipation of imidacloprid on kinnow manadarin fruits under subtropical conditions of Punjab, India. Indian Journal of Horticulture, 65(3): 277-279.
- Singh, B., Singh, G., Singh, B., Joia, B.S., and Battu, R.S. (2008). Effect of processing on the reduction of dicofol and ethion residue on cucumber [Cucumis sativus (Linn.)]. Journal of Insect Science, 21(3): 286-89.
- Singh, G., Joia, B.S., Singh, B., Jyot, G., Battu, R.S., and Singh, B. (2007). Persistence of ethion residues on cucumber [Cucumis sativus (Linn.)]. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 79(4): 437-39.
- Singh, B., Singh, B., Battu, R.S., and Jyot, G. (2007). Persistence of dicofol residues on cucumber [Cucumis sativus (Linn.)]. Pesticide Research Journal, 19(2):244-245.
- Battu, R.S., Jyot, G., Arora, P.K., Singh, B., and Singh, B. (2007). Dissipation of triazophos on Kinnow Manadarin fruits under subtropical conditions of Punjab, India. Journal of Environment and Ecology, 26(2): 571-574.
- Applied Research and Farm Partnerships, "Fixing That Broken Wheel." Manitoba Ag Days. Brandon, MB. Jan. 18-20, 2023.
Vice-President (and Past President), Manitoba Soil Science Society (2021-Present)
Awards & Honours
- “Stellar Award-Teaching Excellence” by Assiniboine Community College in recognition of individual and collective efforts, and demonstrable success, in teaching through the COVID-19 pandemic: 2020-2021
- University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship: 2008-2012
- International Conference on NIRS Travel Award: 2011
- University of Manitoba Graduate Student Travel Award: 2010
- University of Manitoba Graduate Student Travel Award: 2011
- International Graduate Student Scholarship: 2009-2010
- International Graduate Student Entrance Scholarship: 2008-2009
Russ Edwards School of Agriculture and Environment
Assiniboine College
1430 Victoria Ave E,
Brandon, MB
R7A 2A9
Room 434
[email protected]
204-725-8700 Ext. 6510