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Video Editing with Camtasia Software
Camtasia is a powerful screen recording/video editing editing program that can be used to create video tutorials, how-to videos and other instructional recordings.
TechSmith Camtasia is optional use software, however we recommend you review some of its capabilities to see if Camtasia would be helpful with creating digital content for your programs.
Review the following resources that will help you get started with Camtasia:
Q: Where do I go to install Camtasia?
- On campus, from the X Drive (X:\Camtasia Studio)
- Working remotely, from Camtasia's website
Q: How do I get the serial number for Camtasia?
- Email the IT Service Desk and they will be happy to send you a serial number to use.
Q: How to I activate Camtasia once it is installed and I have the serial?
- When you open Camtasia, simple select 'Enter Software Key and enter the key you received from ITS.
Q: Is it okay if I have no desire to use Camtasia and prefer another recording tool?
- That is okay! Camtasia is just another tool in the faculty toolkit we wanted to offer based on feedback from instructors that have used Camtasia or are currently using Camtasia. However, if adoption of Camtasia is widespread, it will allow the CLI and ITS groups t better supports you via future teaching tools.
Q: I use a Mac, can I run Camtasia on this device?
- Yes - Camtasia is available for both MacOS and Windows devices.
Other questions? Contact [email protected] or call 204.725.8700 ext. 7244