The Online Application system and Self-Service system will be unavailable Friday, June 28th, 12 p.m. - 6 p.m. CDT. Read more

COVID-19 Announcement Archives

June 3, 2022 - Masks not required

The pandemic response plan that was communicated in February indicated that the college would lift its mask requirement at all campuses effective June 6, 2022. This will go ahead as planned.

As of June 6, students and staff are not required to wear masks on campus, but may continue to do so if they wish.

The Emergency Response Team is proud of the way staff and students have handled the evolving public health situation and remains hopeful for the future. Any necessary updates to health and safety measures will continue to be communicated to your college email accounts. We urge you to continue to be considerate of your fellow staff and students and the differing comfort levels that exist.

April 29, 2022 - Campus Access Policy

A reminder that beginning Monday, May 2, we no longer require students and staff coming onto campus to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or, alternatively, to comply with the regular testing protocol. Visitors to campus also are no longer required to show proof of vaccination as of Monday.

You are still required to self-screen for symptoms each day and not come on campus if you are exhibiting symptoms. Self-screening questions continue to be clearly marked on signage at entrances. The provincial COVID-19 Screening Tool is available at

Campuses continue to be mask mandatory environments.

March 14, 2022 - Masks remain mandatory

As the province lifts remaining public health orders tomorrow (March 15), including the requirement for masks in indoor public spaces, we wanted to remind you of Assiniboine’s planned approach.

Assiniboine Community College campuses will remain mask mandatory environments beyond March 15.

The college will remain flexible to changing public health conditions and will continue to notify the college community when any pandemic safety measures change.

We appreciate the continued efforts and cooperation of staff and students to contribute to a healthy and safe college community.

March 2, 2022 - Fitness Centre access

The Fitness Centre at Victoria Avenue East campus is now open to all staff and students and will not require pre-booking.

The operations of the Fitness Centre had been limited directly by the provincial public health orders. With the removal of both the capacity limits and vaccination requirements, the Fitness Centre will return to normal operations for staff and students.

To access the Fitness Centre, staff and students may use their own ID cards.

Please be mindful of the comfort level of others and maintain distance from other patrons where possible.

Note: The Campus Access Policy, which carries requirements for staff and students to be fully vaccinated or submit to regular testing remains in effect.

February 24, 2022 - Communal food

Effective immediately all communal food restrictions are removed.

Please continue to exercise care and caution in sharing food with others, only removing your mask for as brief a time as necessary.

February 17, 2022 - Easing public health measures

On February 11, the province of Manitoba announced its plan to significantly ease public health orders. We are hopeful that in time public health conditions will continue to improve in a way that allows campus environments to resume operations without pandemic-related health and safety measures.

The college will be taking a cautious approach to change that will allow us to monitor both the larger community health environment and that of our college community.

As such, we have created a phased approach for the coming weeks and months that outlines the college’s intention for the continuation of our more substantial pandemic safety measures:

Campus Access Policy

  • The Campus Access Policy and the requirements it carries for staff, students and affiliates to be fully vaccinated or comply with the testing protocol will remain in place until May 2. Conditions for visitors, contractors and vendors will also be unchanged until May 2.


  • The college will maintain a mask mandatory environment until June 6. This will provide an additional buffer to monitor improvements in the public health environment before removing this safety measure.

The college must remain flexible to adjust to changing public health conditions. As such, the roadmap outlined above is predicated on vastly improved public health conditions. We believe the additional time will be beneficial in making sure these changes will fit our campus environment.

There may be other minor changes communicated in the coming weeks, but the college wanted to ensure all staff and students have a good understanding of what the more substantial measures will look like moving forward.

We appreciate the fatigue everyone feels with the pandemic and the desire for it to end. We all share this hope. This approach is designed to balance the elimination of extraordinary measures with the need to manage the current public health environment while remaining prepared to adjust if conditions do not improve in the way that health officials anticipate.

We appreciate the continued efforts of staff and students to contribute to a healthy and safe college community.

February 10, 2022 - Fitness Centre access

The Fitness Centre at Victoria Avenue East operating hours and access procedures are being modified.

What is changing

Access Procedure:

Provincial public health orders continue to require that those using fitness centre facilities provide proof of full vaccination. To adhere to this, students have been required to provide their proof of immunization at the Students’ Association office to obtain a temporary access card. This process is changing.

Now, students will be able to have their own student ID card verified and use this to access the Fitness Centre. To gain access to the fitness room with your own student ID card, please email with your name and student number. ITS will verify that you have uploaded vaccination proof to the Vaccine Verification Portal and will enable your card.


The Centre will now be open from 8 a.m. – 10 p.m., Monday to Friday.

Students MUST still pre-book their time. See booking instructions below.

Please note the many existing rules that still apply:

  • All fitness facility users must be fully vaccinated as per current public health orders.
  • A maximum of three people will be permitted in the Fitness Centre at one time.
  • Sessions are limited to one-hour per person per day.
  • Patrons are required to use the hand sanitizer stations at the entrance to the facility and practice physical distancing with anyone else in the facility.
  • Patrons must wipe equipment before and after use with provided disinfecting supplies.
  • No guests are permitted to be in the Centre, even if they accompany a student or staff member.

There are no exceptions to the above stated rules and limitations. All fully vaccinated staff and students are welcome to use the Fitness Centre; they do not need to have their studies or their workspace based out of the Victoria Avenue East campus.


  • To book your session at the Fitness Centre, visit your Outlook Calendar. See click here further instructions.
  • When booking your session at the Fitness Centre, please be mindful to share 'popular’ times. Booking will be based on the honour system and is available on a trial basis.

We will continue to monitor the public health environment, which may require adjustments to the availability of this space and changing limitations in place. Please find the most up-to-date information for the Fitness Centre at under Fitness Centre.

January 27, 2022 - Visitors must be vaccinated

Per the COVID-19 Campus Access Policy, all visitors to Assiniboine campuses must be fully vaccinated. There is no testing option for visitors. If a visitor is unvaccinated, they are not permitted on Assiniboine campuses.

Upon review of visitor log activity, the Emergency Response Team has decided to replace the current procedure with a manual check-in procedure at each campus.

As of January 31, 2022, there will be a designated check-in location(s) at each campus, where visitors will be required to bring their Manitoba Immunization Card and corresponding photo ID for verification before proceeding. New signage will be placed at all entrances to direct visitors to these check-in locations. The updated procedure and a list of check-in locations can also be found at

Visitors will only be permitted during designated hours, currently 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Winnipeg campus will be accessible to visitors by appointment only.

December 7, 2021 - Fitness Centre face masks

Consistent with the current public health orders, face masks will no longer be required in the Fitness Centre at the Victoria Avenue East campus while patrons are actively exercising. This is in line with Order 28 (3) in the current public health orders.

Please wear your face mask while you enter and exit the Centre, as mask use is mandatory elsewhere on campus.

All other existing rules still apply:

  • All fitness facility users must be fully vaccinated as per current public health orders.
  • Students will continue to check out fitness room access cards via the ACCSA from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
  • Students must book their time slot in the Fitness Centre through Outlook.
  • A maximum of three people will be permitted in the Fitness Centre at one time.
  • Sessions are limited to one-hour per person per day.
  • Patrons are required to use the hand sanitizer stations at the entrance to the facility and practice physical distancing with anyone else in the facility.
  • Patrons must wipe equipment before and after use with provided disinfecting supplies.
  • No guests are permitted to be in the Centre, even if they accompany a student or staff member.

We will continue to monitor the public health environment, which may require adjustments to the availability of this space and changing limitations in place. Please find the most up-to-date information for the Fitness Centre and booking instructions at under Fitness Centre.

October 25, 2021 - Vaccination required for certain activities

Certain activities that operate within the college environment fall under provincial public health orders that require individuals to provide proof of vaccination to participate. In these situations, individuals must present their Manitoba Immunization Card QR Code to be verified with the MB Immunization Verification App and corresponding photo ID.

Please see below the procedures for two such areas with vaccination requirements under current public health orders: the Fitness Centre and Cougars Athletic events.

While the college’s COVID Campus Access policy requires students and staff to be fully vaccinated or submit to regular testing starting December 6, activities that fall under provincial public health orders will not allow for a testing alternative—only those who can provide their Manitoba Immunization Card will be permitted to participate.

It is important to note that there may be other activities in the future that will require proof of vaccination, with no exception, under provincial public health orders.

Fitness Centre

Effective November 1, the Students’ Association (SA) will take over the administration of temporary-use Fitness Centre access cards to fully immunized staff and students. On this date, your student or staff ID card will no longer work to access the Fitness Centre at the Victoria Avenue East campus.


  • Booking will remain the same, and one-hour slots must be booked through Outlook. For further instructions, visit
  • Immediately prior to your booked slot, visit the Students’ Association Office in Room 413 to pick up your temporary access card.
  • Bring your immunization card and photo ID with you to pick up your Fitness Centre access card. SA staff will verify your vaccination status by scanning your MB Immunization Card and checking your photo ID.
  • SA staff will then provide you with a Fitness Centre access card. Use this to swipe into the Centre.
  • Return your temporary access card to the SA immediately after each booking.

With the Students’ Association providing this service to keep the Centre open, there will be new Fitness Centre hours to correspond with SA hours. Effective November 1, the Fitness Centre will be open from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. The final time slot for each day will be 3 – 4 p.m. as all access cards must be returned to the SA by 4 p.m.

Please find the most up-to-date information for the Fitness Centre at under Fitness Centre.

Cougars Athletics

At all indoor Cougars Athletics events held within the gymnasium at Victoria Avenue East campus, spectators will be required to show their proof of vaccination along with corresponding photo ID to enter the gymnasium. This is effective immediately.

This requirement supersedes the Campus Access policy during Cougars Athletics events. Those who are vaccinated must present their proof of vaccination upon entering the gymnasium for Cougars events, even if they have uploaded their proof to the vaccine verification portal, and unvaccinated staff and students who are permitted on campus through compliance with the testing protocol will not be permitted to enter the gymnasium during Cougars events.

October 22, 2021 - Campus Access Policy implementation

The G62 – COVID Campus Access Policy will put in place requirements for students and staff to provide proof that they are fully vaccinated by Monday, December 6, 2021 or submit to regular testing to show a negative COVID-19 test to access Assiniboine’s campuses. You can find the full policy on our website here.

If you are fully vaccinated

Uploading your proof of vaccination is simple, and will need to be done only once through a secure, online webform.

Click here to access this secure Vaccine Verification Portal.

We strongly encourage those who are fully vaccinated to confirm their vaccination status and submit proof as directed as soon as possible.

If you are partially vaccinated or unvaccinated

If you are not fully vaccinated, please visit the Vaccine Verification Portal and choose the option that applies to you. Individuals who are not fully vaccinated will be required to submit a negative COVID-19 test periodically, starting December 6. The timeframe is currently once a week. Instructions on how to submit negative test results will be communicated prior to December 6.

September 7, 2021 - Fitness Centre proof of vaccination

New provincial public health orders have come into effect as of September 3, 2021. These orders contained new requirements for people to be fully immunized to participate in certain activities and events. Included in the order was the requirement that anyone entering a fitness centre must be fully immunized and able to provide proof of vaccination.

This means that effective immediately, the Fitness Centre at Victoria Avenue East campus will be available only to those who can provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination in accordance with current public health orders.

Security will periodically monitor the fitness centre and may ask users to show their Manitoba Immunization Card (either digital QR code or physical card).

The Fitness Centre booking process remains the same, and slots must be booked through Outlook. Instructions on how to do this for students and staff are available at

September 1, 2021 - Campus Access Policy introduced

A new policy, the COVID-19 Campus Access Policy, has been introduced for this academic year.

The COVID-19 Campus Access Policy puts in place rules and requirements for students, staff and others accessing Assiniboine’s multiple campuses to prove they are fully vaccinated or undergo routine testing to show a negative COVID-19 test.

Generally, individuals will be required to be fully vaccinated by October 29, 2021, and furnishing proof 14 days following (by November 12).

The exact implementation details, including how students and staff will provide proof of their vaccination status, will be released in the coming weeks. Frequently asked questions will continue to be updated on our website at

Stay tuned to your college email for details on how you will be able to provide verification.

On-Campus Vaccine Clinics

For those not yet fully vaccinated, please note that we are hosting on-campus vaccination clinics in September. Details on those clinics follow below. If you don’t want to wait, you can find out where to get vaccinated by visiting the Province’s website at





Victoria Avenue East campus

September 13 + 14

10 a.m. - 6 p.m.


North Hill campus

September 15 + 16

10 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Len Evans Centre for Trades and Technology, Rooms E203/E203

Parkland campus

September 20 + 21

noon - 8 p.m.

Pine Creek Room

Win your Tuition!

And remember, if you haven’t yet entered our Armed for Fall contest, there’s still time. If you’ve received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, you’re eligible to win great prizes, including tuition for the coming school year. Learn more at

August 19, 2021 - Intention of vaccination policy

Like many other post-secondary institutions in Manitoba, Assiniboine Community College will be pursuing the adoption of a policy regarding COVID-19 vaccine mandates. This policy would generally require all students, staff, contractors and visitors to the campus to be vaccinated.

Our college believes that requiring individuals to be vaccinated in order to be on campus could be one added layer of protection to complement other safety measures adopted throughout the pandemic. Assiniboine was the first institution in Manitoba to adopt a face mask mandate and is maintaining that mandate through the fall term.

Similar to the policies at many other colleges and universities across Canada that have adopted vaccine mandates, our college believes that the implementation must account for certain exemptions, including medical conditions, religious accommodations, or periodic testing as an alternative for unvaccinated individuals to gain access to campus.

Given the implications, we believe that such a policy requires the approval of our Board of Governors. Further, it is imperative that the execution of any policy gives sufficient notice to students and staff to make arrangements, and that public health tools such as appropriate testing are available to ensure appropriate accommodation.

Every institution will have its own approach to the implementation of such policies. We felt it was important to give notice to students and staff in particular of our intention to pursue approval of such a policy with our Board of Governors.

August 5, 2021 - Mandatory masks continue

The Province of Manitoba announced this week that effective Saturday, August 7, new public health orders will be introduced across the province. These new orders will focus on public health recommendations and guidance, rather than restrictions. This includes lifting masking requirements in indoor public places.

The health and safety of our staff, students and community remains our top priority as we work toward a more traditional level of face-to-face learning.

Assiniboine Community College campuses and sites will continue to be mandatory mask environments.

Assiniboine’s COVID-19 Emergency Response Team continues to meet throughout the summer and will continually review existing protocols in light of the most recent public health orders. Any changes to existing protocols will be communicated to staff, students and the public as necessary.

June 25, 2021 - Fitness Centre re-opening

The Province of Manitoba recently announced changes to the public health orders, which will come into effect on Saturday, June 26. While these changes do not affect how we are required to operate our campus environments, they will allow the Fitness Centre at Victoria Avenue East campus to re-open at 25 per cent capacity with three metres distance between patrons.

The Fitness Centre at Victoria Avenue East will re-open on Tuesday, June 29 at 9 a.m. with the following limitations:

  • Patrons and staff must wear a mask in the facility at all
  • A maximum of three people will be permitted in the Fitness Centre at one time.
  • Staff and students wishing to use the facility MUST pre-book their time (see below).
  • Sessions are limited to one hour per person per day.
  • The Centre will be open Monday to Friday from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. excluding public holidays (i.e. closed July 1).
  • Patrons are required to use the hand sanitizer stations at the entrance to the facility and practice physical distancing with anyone else in the facility.
  • Patrons must wipe equipment before and after use with provided disinfecting supplies.
  • No guests are permitted to be in the Centre, even if they accompany a student or staff member.

There are no exceptions to the above stated rules and limitations. All staff and students are welcome to use the Fitness Centre; they do not need to have their studies or their workspace based out of the Victoria Avenue East campus.

Booking (available Tuesday, June 29 at 8:30 a.m.)

  • To book your session at the Fitness Centre, visit your Outlook Calendar. See the attached for further instructions.
  • When booking your session at the Fitness Centre, please be mindful to share 'popular’ times. Booking will be based on the honour system and is available on a trial basis.

We will continue to monitor the public health environment, which may require adjustments to the availability of this space and changing limitations in place.

May 9, 2021 - Fitness Centre closing

Effective today, May 9, the Province of Manitoba has put in place changes to public health orders across the province while remaining within the Red (Critical) Level of the provincial Pandemic Response System.

In accordance with the current public health orders now in place the Fitness Centre located at the Victoria Avenue East campus is closed until further notice.

February 12, 2021 - Fitness Centre opening

The Fitness Centre at Victoria Avenue East will re-open starting Tuesday, February 16 with certain limitations:

  • Patrons and staff must wear a mask in the facility at all times.
  • A maximum of three people will be permitted in the Fitness Centre at one time.
  • Staff and students wishing to use the facility MUST pre-book their time (see below).
  • Sessions are limited to one-hour per person per day.
  • The Centre will be open Monday to Friday from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. excluding public holidays.
  • Patrons are required to use the hand sanitizer stations at the entrance to the facility and practice physical distancing with anyone else in the facility.
  • Patrons must wipe equipment before and after use with provided disinfecting supplies.
  • No guests are permitted to be in the Centre, even if they accompany a student or staff member.

There are no exceptions to the above stated rules and limitations. All staff and students are welcome to use the Fitness Centre; they do not need to have their studies or their workspace based out of the Victoria Avenue East campus.


  • To book your session at the Fitness Centre, visit your Outlook Calendar. See the attached for further instructions.
  • When booking your session at the Fitness Centre, please be mindful to share 'popular’ times. Booking will be based on the honour system and is available on a trial basis.

We will continue to monitor the public health environment, which may require adjustments to the availability of this space and changing limitations in place.

November 12, 2020 - Mandatory masks

In light of the current COVID-19 environment and the Province’s additional restrictions announced yesterday, Thursday November 20, Assiniboine College has made additional adjustments to the college environment, above and beyond what is required in the Public Health Orders.   

​​​​​​Mandatory Masks (Face Coverings)

Assiniboine was the first post-secondary institution in the province to require masks. Our campuses continue to be mandatory mask environments and we require students and staff to wear some form of face covering in classrooms, shops and labs. 

For greater clarity: In places other than classrooms, shops and labs, you may notice others removing their face mask for a short while from time to time when they are seated and physically distanced (6 feet) from other people (for example, when eating in a cafeteria) which is permitted.

The exemptions for people unable to wear a mask provided under the public health orders will also continue to apply, these situations have been extremely rare in the college environment. 

Safety Ambassadors

Security personnel will be acting as ambassadors to monitoring the campus environment and may approach students to ensure they understand these mask expectations. Education remains our primary tool to ensure compliance, but individuals that refuse to comply may be asked to leave the environment.

On Campus Study Group Registration

Student success remains an important goal. As such, we want to continue to support the ability of students to use college resources, whether that is a study space, computing, library resources, or other college amenities. However, we are also responsive to the current provincial direction to limit social gathering and reduce contacts during Code Red. As such, we will be putting in new requirements for students who wish to study and work on projects on campus with their peers.

We are requiring all students to register any on-campus study group of two or more people. This means if you are meeting in a group of two or more to study together, work on a group project, or tutor one another, you are permitted to do so on campus. You must register you group via the online form Only one person from your group needs to register.

Please note that social gatherings (non-academic meet-ups, club meetings, in-person hangouts) are not permitted on campus at this time. 

Students who wish to congregate in groups of two or more to study on campus will be required register their group every time they desire to be on campus in groups outside of their class time. Study and project group size are limited to a maximum of five people and must be in the same program. Individuals who choose to study alone will not be required to register.   

A designated member of the study group must either scan the QR code on your smartphone camera and complete the easy study group registration form. Alternatively, you can visit the webpage directly  to complete the form. Please see the attached poster for more information and QR code.

If you do not have a smart phone or access to a computer, please alert a college staff member who can assist you with this requirement.    

August 12, 2020 - Mask expected

We have recently started seeing an increase of COVID-19 cases throughout Manitoba, and the Westman region in particular. Last week Chief Medical Officer Dr. Roussin reinforced the need for diligence including physical distancing and recommending Manitobans consider face masks and coverings when inside where physical distancing may be more difficult.

As such, we are escalating our expectations for staff, students, and visitors to college campuses to ‘mask expected’. That is, we want everyone to wear masks while on campus. This is separate from any additional personal protective equipment that may be in place for your program.

However, at this stage, we will not deny entry to campus, and students will not face any academic or non-academic penalties if they are not wearing a mask. Nor we will require individuals to provide medical evidence or documentation to be exempt at this time.

We will continue to reinforce the practice of wearing masks with education and communication. You can learn more about campus access and safety on our website.

Remember, wearing a mask or face covering alone will not prevent the spread of COVID-19. You must also wash your hands often, practice physical distancing, and stay home if you are sick.

August 6, 2020 - Mask supportive

Assiniboine is a mask supportive environment and we encourage all staff and students to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by wearing a mask or face covering.

Face masks or face coverings should:

  • allow for easy breathing
  • fit securely to the head with ties or ear loops
  • maintain their shape after washing and drying
  • be changed as soon as possible if damp or dirty
  • be comfortable and not require frequent adjustment
  • be made of at least 2 layers of tightly woven material fabric (such as cotton or linen)
  • be large enough to completely and comfortably cover the nose and mouth without gaping

Remember, wearing a mask or face covering alone will not prevent the spread of COVID-19. You must also wash your hands often, practice physical distancing and stay home if you are sick.

As a mask supportive environment, you will see posters around the college which educate and encourage people to wear a face mask or face covering.

June 25, 2020 - Various updates

Communal Food

Assiniboine has developed new communal food requirements to ensure the safety of staff and students. Communal food refers to any food shared among staff and students in any form of communal setting within any college location.

Key conditions surrounding communal food include:

  • Communal food must be available only in single servings.
  • Food can be shared only if portions are individually wrapped in protective material.
  • Staff and students MUST adhere to social distancing while partaking in communal food.
  • Communal cutlery is not permitted.
  • Shared condiments are not permitted.

Please see the attached poster, which provides clear examples surrounding these requirements.

Fitness Centre Re-Opening

The Fitness Centre at Victoria Avenue East will re-open on Monday, July 6 on a trial basis with certain limitations:

  • Three people will be permitted in the Fitness Centre at one time.
  • Staff and students wishing to use the facility MUST pre-book their time (see below).
  • Sessions are limited to one-hour per person per day.
  • The Centre will be open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Patrons are required to use the hand sanitizer stations at the entrance to the facility and practice physical distancing with anyone else in the facility.
  • Patrons must wipe equipment before and after use with provided disinfecting supplies.

Those at increased risk may consider waiting to return to the Fitness Centre.


  • To book your session at the Fitness Centre, visit your Outlook Calendar. See the attached for further instructions.
  • When booking your session at the Fitness Centre, please be mindful to share 'popular’ times. Booking will be based on the honour system and is available on a trial basis.

Test Centre Re-Opening

The Test Centre will resume operations effective July 6, 2020 with limitations and new procedures in place.

This re-opening includes service to the following groups:

  1. Accessibility and Disability Services testing
  2. Admission testing
  3. Assiniboine students writing missed tests, re-writes and supplemental exams
  4. Assiniboine Distance Education students
  5. Individual external testing
  6. External contacts

In line with province’s public health and safety recommendations, the Test Centre will implement the following:

Physical Distancing Measures

  • Seating capacity of three test takers at one time.
  • Students are required to book via email or phone, rather than in person.
  • The check-in desk has been moved to improve traffic flow and bottleneck points.
  • Test times will be staggered to reduce lineups.
  • Students may be scheduled to write at set times, which will result in fewer choices from a scheduling perspective.
  • Classroom space may be utilized during peak testing periods.
  • Classroom schedule will be done in consultation with the Schedule Coordinator.
  • If necessary, the Test Centre will be available to students virtually, with the priority being Accessibility and Disability students. A procedure has been created to invigilate testing through Zoom.

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Appropriate PPE will be used by the Test Centre Administrator during the check-in process.
  • A plexiglass sneeze guard has been installed in front of the check-in station.
  • “Please Stand Here” stickers and tape have been placed on the floor.
  • Masks will be available to students on request.

Sanitation Procedures

  • Test takers are permitted to bring small personal items only (phone, wallet, keys, medication, etc.) into the Test Centre; these items will be placed in a basket outside of the lab for the duration of the test.
  • Test stations will be disinfected between use.
  • Seating will be rotated so that chairs are not shared before they can be cleaned with disinfectant spray after the Test Centre is closed for the day.
  • From July 6 – August 28, the Test Centre will be closed from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. for cleaning and then 4 - 4:30 p.m. for thorough sanitation.
  • The Test Centre will re-evaluate hours of operation once class schedules have been announced to allow for sanitation procedures.

Protocol for External Testing Companies

  • The Test Centre will follow protocol for external testing companies such as Pearson VUE regarding new test-taking procedures.
  • If testing for external companies requires a classroom, the room booking will be done in consultation with the Scheduling Coordinator.

When a student has been scheduled for a test, they will receive an email with a link to the COVID-19 screening tool and may only write their test if it is safe to do so. This email will also highlight measures to take to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

To inquire about booking a test, contact

Personal Protective Equipment Availability

As a follow up to the Health and Safety update sent on June 15, we would like to provide a point of clarification. The college has both nitrile and latex gloves available. Further to this, the MOA between Assiniboine and MGEU allows all college staff to purchase their own PPE, up to a maximum of $50 in this fiscal year and an additional $50 in the next fiscal year, for which staff will be reimbursed.

June 15, 2020 - Health and safety update
Health and Safety Update


Entry Points and Procedures

  • Entry protocols and procedures have been established with screening information and hand sanitizer stations.
  • Working on establishing more entry points for each campus that will allow for efficient entry of students and staff into the college during peak periods.

Movement on Campus

  • Work has commenced on floor markers at service areas to assist with physical distancing.
  • Examining corridors to determine if one-way traffic will be required to better facilitate movement and support physical distancing.


  • Detailed examination of each classroom space to establish capacity with physically distanced workstations.
  • Rearrangement of classroom furnishings to support physical distancing.

Shops and Labs

  • Academic staff are working on safe work procedures (including PPE requirements) for specialized program areas to support physical distancing or to mitigate risks where physical distancing can’t be maintained.


  • In order to support physical distancing measures, fewer lockers will be made available and on a first-come, first-serve basis. The process for allocating lockers is being refined.

High Volume Service Areas

  • Plexiglass barriers have been installed in some service areas already and work will continue on this front.


  • There is currently an examination of each washroom set up to establish any modifications that need to be made.


New Equipment

Facilities have procured two electrostatic disinfecting fogging tools to disinfect large areas in short periods. Electrostatic disinfecting is a way of quickly and evenly coating surfaces with a disinfecting solution. No wiping is required with electrostatic spraying, and it's safe for all surfaces including electronic equipment. If the trial of these two goes well, it is our intention to buy three more.

New Protocols

The College has adopted cleaning protocols to ensure that buildings are safe for students, staff and visitors. In addition to regular cleaning, the Facilities staff is sanitizing frequently touched surfaces more often. Each room has been deep cleaned with all surfaces wiped and disinfected. A new 22-step cleaning procedure has been adopted replacing the previous 10-step procedure.

Food and Drink

Water Fountains and Stations

  • As per public health orders water fountains will be disabled. Facilities is currently investigating the feasibility of adding many more touchless water bottle fill stations.

Vending Machines

  • Vending machines and ATM's are part of the regular cleaning schedule and that disinfectant wipes are provided in close proximity to each machine.

Communal Food

  • Effective June 15, 2020, communal food is no longer permitted on campus. More detailed guidance on this will be provided in the coming weeks.

Food Service Plan

It is the hope of the institution to limit the number of hours students are required to spend on campus for classes. This should contribute to limiting the number of people who choose to eat on campus at peak times. This will be important for the college as eating space is a pinch point for maintaining physical distancing for a prolonged period.

Having said that, having eating options for students and staff is important for the proper operation of the college. The college is working with Chartwells to examine operations to on site services including expanded vending capacity given potential changes to patterns of the times and days that classes will be offered.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Face Masks, Shields and Coverings

In general, the college anticipates being a “mask supportive” environment. This means outside of program spaces requiring PPE to support safe work procedures, students, staff and the public will not be compelled to wear masks, but the college will encourage people to consider it.

While public health orders and discussion with the Chief Public Health Officer have indicated that masks are not necessary, we believe many students and staff may take comfort in wearing masks, or seeing others wear masks. As such, the college will try to create an environment that supports those who are willing and capable of making this choice.

The college will be making masks available to staff and have also signed an MOA with the MGEU to support those staff who wish to purchase their own face coverings. Where program safe work procedures call for specialized PPE for staff, the college will furnish this PPE as well.

Individual programs will identify what PPE will be required as part of their safe work procedures, and whether students will be expected to purchase face coverings or if the college will be providing this.

Hand Sanitizer Stations

  • The college has installed additional hand sanitizing stations across campuses and will continue to add more over the next couple of months.

Equipment and Supplies

  • The college has a robust stock of disinfectants and PPE on hand to be available to staff. The college currently has in-stock items on the below list; please note availability will change following demand and supply.
Item Type
Thermometers Hand Held laser measure
Sneeze Guards

Clear plexi-glass

Desk top models

Latex Gloves Standard Blue latex gloves
Hand Sanitizer - Wall Mounts

- Wall dispenser, pump style

- Wall dispenser, auto dispensing

Hand Sanitizer - Personal Bottles

- 235 ml bottles (gel)

- 500 ml bottles

- 1 L spray bottles

Face Masks - N95 Various styles. Note: not required for daily use
Face Masks - Non-N95 Disposbale and non-disposable
Face Shields - Disposable Available for labs
Clorox Total 360 Electrostatic Disinfecting System

College Accessibility to Students

Plans are currently under development to have all campus locations available to students and staff by Monday, August 17. Each campus may return to less controlled student access on different dates as staffing is stable and campus readiness in assured.


  • Victoria Avenue East is currently accessible to students and staff (hours of operation may continue to increase periodically over the next two months as service and activity levels increase on campus).
  • LECTT and MICA are accessible to staff.
  • MICA and LECTT are both anticipated to have a return to student traffic in August.
  • The Sustainable Greenhouse is accessible to staff and students.


  • The campus is open to students by appointment and staff as they see fit.


  • The campus is expected to fully reopened to students and the public by Monday, June 22.

Adult Collegiate

  • Facilities continues to plan for reopening to staff and students.

Contract and Rotating Sites

  • While general college practices and procedures will be the default, each contract site will need to be examined to determined is localized safe work procedures are required.
May 13, 2020 - Entrance protocols

New Entrance Protocols

Assiniboine is rolling out new entrance protocols for campus entrances. As campuses outside of Victoria Avenue East become open and accessible to staff, please note the following steps you must take upon entering your campus.

All staff, students and visitors will be required to self-screen for COVID-19 before coming on campus. Self-screening steps will be clearly marked on posters at all entrances. Upon entering the building, you are required to sanitize your hands thoroughly at the sanitization stations set up at each entrance.

Reduced Entrances at Victoria Avenue East Campus

As of Tuesday, May 19, the college will also be reducing entry to the Victoria Avenue East campus to two main entrances, Entrance A (north visitor parking lot entrance) and Entrance B (south visitor parking lot entrance). Both of these entrances will have sanitization products available that are mandatory to use upon entry.

In alignment with this change and lowered traffic coming to campus, staff will be permitted to park in the north visitor parking lot for the time being. You will be notified when this parking permission changes.

Other Assiniboine campuses may also have reduced entry points and will be notified when this happens.

Student Access to Victoria Avenue East Campus

Students and members of the public are able to visit the Victoria Avenue East campus as needed to access campus services.

The Victoria Avenue East campus is open from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m, Monday to Friday. Campus remains open to staff outside of these hours, as necessary, through key card access.

April 1, 2020 - Graduation postponed

The Parkland and Brandon graduation ceremonies scheduled for June have been postponed to join existing fall graduation dates scheduled for the week of October 26, 2020.

With more than 1,250 graduates eligible to attend graduation celebrations in Brandon alone, Assiniboine is planning to host multiple ceremonies to accommodate and split the possible 3,000-plus graduates and guests into separate events.

Our response to COVID-19 continues to be guided and informed by public health officials, and the provincial and federal governments. The health and safety of students, staff, and the public is at the forefront of our decision-making.

Students are being notified of these changes today as well, and will receive further information via their college email accounts.

March 24, 2020 - Campus closures

Assiniboine Community College will close its remaining campuses to students and the public after Friday, March 27 until further notice. This includes the Victoria Avenue East campus in Brandon, Parkland campus in Dauphin, and Winnipeg campus.

  • Assiniboine staff members will continue to have access to these campuses, but are encouraged to work from home whenever possible.
  • After March 27, students will only be permitted on campus for exceptional circumstances and will coordinate any visit to campus through a student success advisor (SSA).
  • We continue to ask members of the public not to visit any of the college’s campuses until further notice.

This past Friday, March 20, the college closed its North Hill campus and Adult Collegiate in Brandon until further notice.

FAQ for Students

If I need to come on campus after March 27 for specific reasons, like collecting belongings from my locker or dropping off an assignment?

You will be permitted to come on campus if you have a specific need that is approved by a student success advisor (SSA). They will notify security that you are allowed on campus for that specific need at a pre-determined time and date. Visit to locate your program’s SSA under the FAQ section.

How do I access library supports if my campus is closed?

Students will not be able to visit the Victoria Avenue East campus to access the library as a physical space. However, library supports continue to be available to you and library staff are available remotely to assist you.

In select cases, books may be borrowed from the Library by appointment; however, shipping of library materials is still available to students. Students will also still be able to access online resources such as program-specific Library Guides. For further information or assistance, please contact the Library directly via email at or visit

How do I meet with a student success advisor (SSA) if I can’t be on campus?

Advisors are working with their academic areas to proactively plan their services given the environment. Let your Dean, Chair or SSA know if something is on your mind. Not sure who your SSA is? Visit and you can find your program’s SSA under the FAQ section. Advisors are experienced with Zoom and will be able to provide services through Zoom, phone or email.

If I need access to a specific computer lab or equipment on campus to finish my assignments, what do I do?

Contact a student success advisor (SSA). Visit to locate your program’s SSA under the FAQ section.

If I need a computer to finish my assignments, what should I do?

The college will support those students who need a laptop in order to complete coursework. You should contact your program chair or student success advisor and they will assist you.

March 23, 2020 - Library closure

Assiniboine Community College will close its Library at the Victoria Avenue East Campus at the end of Tuesday, March 24 at 4 p.m. The Library will remain closed until further notice.

Students can visit the Library today, Monday, March 23 until 7.30 p.m., and tomorrow, Tuesday, March 24, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. to borrow items. Return dates will be adjusted to accommodate the library closure, and no overdue notices will be sent at this time.

Students will still be able to access online Library resources such as program-specific Library Guides and request assistance via the Library’s Virtual Help Desk.

In select cases, books may be borrowed from the Library by appointment; however, shipping of library materials is still available to students. For further information, please contact the Library’s Virtual Help Desk via email

March 18, 2020 - Certain campus closures

In light of the continued escalation of COVID-19, Assiniboine Community College will close its Adult Collegiate and North Hill campus at the end of Friday, March 20. These two campuses in Brandon will remain closed until further notice. Assiniboine staff will have limited access to these facilities and students will not be permitted on campus.

Students whose programs ran out of the Adult Collegiate or North Hill campus will make arrangements with their instructors to deliver any final assignments to the Victoria Avenue East campus.

At this time, the Victoria Avenue East campus in Brandon will remain open for staff and students during regular hours: 6 a.m. to midnight, seven days a week. All Assiniboine students are welcome to use the facilities available at the Victoria Avenue East campus, including computer labs, printers, study spaces, and the library.

We continue to request that the general public to avoid visiting campuses that remain open for students and staff, and instead contact college staff by phone or email.

The college’s Parkland campus (Dauphin) and Winnipeg campus remain open. Measures are in place to promote proper social distancing and enhancing cleaning activities are underway at all open campuses.

The college previously announced that it would finish face-to-face delivery of classes on all campuses on or before Friday, March 20 and that all college-hosted events through to April 30, 2020, are cancelled. The college will assess future events beyond April as the situation develops.

Assiniboine will continue to provide timely updates on this and any additional changes that may occur in the coming days and weeks. For information and updates, please visit

The email account is available to staff as a centralized account to send questions related to the college’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This account will be monitored regularly seven days a week and acts as an additional support for both staff and students seeking general clarification on matters or assistance in locating resources and information

March 16, 2020 - Face to face delivery

Face to face classes at Assiniboine will finish on or before Friday, March 20. The large majority of programs will move to alternative formats for students to complete coursework. Students will hear directly from their program officials as to next steps for their coursework, as well as practicum placements and co-ops.

Specialized labs will be available for impacted students in a small number of programs; these labs are essential to program completion and will be opened with a specific schedule and operate under safe work practice guidelines and social distancing methods.

At this time, campuses maintain regular hours for staff and students. We encourage the public to continue avoiding visits to campus and instead contact college staff by phone or email. Students and staff should continue to practice social distancing and practice good hygiene habits, including:

  • Minimize prolonged, close contact with others
  • Avoid greetings that involve touching such as handshakes
  • Avoid crowded places and events
  • Disinfect frequently used surfaces
  • Frequent washing of hands with soap and use of sanitizers provided across campuses

Only one program, which has already started, Industrial Metals Fabrication (Welding), is to be cancelled. Students were provided with the option to defer to the next intake or receive a refund.

College staff have made extraordinary efforts to prioritize the migrating of programs to alternative modes of delivery. Assiniboine students are well-positioned to finish their program requirements.