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Student Records

Official student records are kept in the Registrar’s Office. These records contain all documents that are submitted to us about you – from application through registration, as well as copies of any letters that we send to you, special documents that you submit (e.g., documents that support your application, applications for transfer credit).

Your record also includes the list of courses that you have completed at Assiniboine and the grades that you have received in each. These records will be guarded by all laws related to privacy and confidentiality. We will not disclose anything in your record to anyone without your written consent. Once we receive your written consent, we will provide the information that you have asked us to share only with the people that you have indicated in your permission.

If you call the Registrar’s Office for private information about your record, we will ask you specific information that will help us to identify who you are over the telephone in order to ensure that we are not providing your private information to someone else other than you.

If you have any questions about the security or privacy of your student record, please contact the Access & Privacy Coordinator or the Registrar.