Female international student in library looking at camera while other students converse behind her

Frequently Asked Questions for International Students

Frequently Asked Questions

Can international students apply for any program?

Many programs are open to international students, but not all. Please refer to the list of Available Programs for International Students; click on the program name and you will see the webpages for that program.

Does Assiniboine offer degree programs or university transfer programs?

Most of our college programs are:

  • one-year certificates
  • two-year diplomas
  • one year advanced diplomas, which are post-graduate programs that require a university degree or college diploma as an admission requirement

Some programs offer articulation agreements with some universities, meaning our graduates can receive credit towards a university degree.

You can easily view all the available programs for international students here.

Can I apply online?

Yes. Please visit https://apply.assiniboine.net/login. You should be prepared to upload all of your documents (transcript, English test scores, passport page and study permit, if you already have one).

If you prefer a paper copy of our application, you can type the international application form, print and sign it, then scan the form and email it to [email protected]. Be sure to scan your foreign documents and attach them to that email. We can accept scanned foreign documents (transcripts, English test score, passport page, study permit if you have one), however we require an official, original hard copy transcript of all Canadian schooling.

After we receive a complete application, we will process a letter of acceptance IF you meet all requirements AND there is a seat in the program. You must provide official, original foreign documents (both in original language and notarized English translations) when you arrive in Manitoba, before you will be registered in classes.

If my TOEFL or IELTS score is not high enough, can I apply for an English language course and, when my English reaches the required level, be accepted into another program?

We suggest two options:

  1. You can consider Assiniboine College's English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program. You can apply to our college's EAP program and a college program with the same application. There could be a gap of a number of months between finishing the EAP program and the start of the college program. Also, you may require more than one 14-week session of EAP classes to achieve the English proficiency level required for the college program.
  2. Pathway partner English schools. See the bottom of our English language proficiency page for a list; be sure to ask about the "Assiniboine pathway program" at each school. If you apply to a college program with proof of registration in the pathway program at a partner school, we can provide a conditional letter of acceptance. The condition would be to complete the partner school’s program with a result that meets our requirement.
Must I have my transcripts translated into English?

Yes, official English translations must accompany any document in a language other than English.

How long does an international student have to wait to be accepted into a program at Assiniboine?

We process applications in the order in which they are complete, including successful payment of the application fee. This typically takes between two to three weeks. If you meet admission requirements and a seat is avaiable, you will be offered a Letter of Eligibility first. After paying the required tuition deposit, you will then be issued a Letter of Acceptance.

Before you call or email us about your application:

  1. Wait one full week to allow your payment to go through. Check your credit card statement or bank. If we have difficulty receiving payment, we will email you. After your payment has been successful, please:
  2. Wait two more full weeks to receive an email from us.

    We know your application is important and we want to process it as quickly as possible. But answering your phone calls or emails takes our time away from working on applications, so please do not email or phone us earlier than we suggest here.

How can I ensure the quickest processing time for my application?

1. Send us a complete application using our online application: https://apply.assiniboine.net/login

2. If you must submit a paper-based copy by e-mail:

  • Type the application if possible, as handwriting can be difficult to read and could cause an incorrectly spelt name, address or email address.
  • Sign it by hand, in ink. Do not use an “electronic signature” as we cannot accept this.
  • Give your email address on Page 1 of the application, so we can contact you easily. If you use an agent or representative, put their email address on Page 2 in the “Use of Agents…” area.
  • Complete all of the questions on the application form. Include all secondary and post-secondary education including Canadian institutions.
  • If you pay by credit card, ensure that the credit card number and expiry date is typed or written clearly. Also, check that the credit card is valid for the $200 fee; if your credit card is refused, this will slow you down.
  • Read over your application before you send it to be sure it is complete and accurate. Read the Declaration near the bottom of page 2 so you know what your signature means. Even if an agent is assisting you with the application, you are responsible for the information and Declaration.
  • Scan documents and attach them to an email. Do not take a photograph of documents, and do not place images of documents in the body of the email, as these can be difficult to read or to print.
  • Send everything together in one email. Exception: you must send by postal service or courier your official, original hard copy Canadian transcripts.
  • If you phone or email us with questions about your application, please use your full name, the program you applied for, and either your birthdate or your student number (after we give you that number). Many students have similar names, so this information will make it easy to find your file.
  • If you will ask a friend or relative or agent to contact us for information about your application, you need to give us written consent (on the application or in an email later) to give information to that person. Without written consent, Canadian privacy law will not allow this.

3. Help us focus our time on processing applications. See the FAQ above this one about approximate processing times; please do not phone or email us before our suggestion above, as that slows us down.

Does Assiniboine College provide student housing?

Our college does not operate any student residences, however there are a range of options available to you. Visit the Housing & Transportation portion of our website for suggestions and resources.

Also, see the pre-arrival page and download our International Orientation handbook.

Are there activities for international students?

We have an active Students’ Association, which plans activities for all students, and we encourage international students to take part in these activities. There is an international representative for the Students' Association. Assiniboine International, our Athletics Director, and Indigenous Services staff also coordinate events to which all students are welcomed.

Will I receive health insurance?

Assiniboine College requires Student VIP for primary health care (doctor/hospital) and Student VIP for extended health care (dental/vision/prescriptions). The college will invoice you for these premiums and send the funds to the insurance company on your behalf. This cost will be payable before the first day of college. Learn more about required health insurances costs here.

Where will I go if I have difficulty with one of my courses?

We encourage all students to first ask course instructors for assistance. Beyond that, the program student success advisor can assist with any questions about your program. A peer tutor may be available for assistance with the content of courses. Learning Commons staff can help with skills like note-taking, studying, essay writing, and more.

Does Assiniboine have co-op programs, and can I take part in this as an international student?

Most of our programs have a practical component for all students in the program. Check the list of courses for your program. This can include either an unpaid work experience placement or practicum or a co-op component (paid work experience placement) that is compulsory for your diploma or certificate. You will require a Co-Op Work Permit from IRCC, even if it is an unpaid practicum. Assiniboine International can give you information to apply for that permit.

My goal is to immigrate to Canada. Is it easy to get Permanent Resident status once I get my diploma?

College education can be a first step to immigrating to Canada, and the Canadian and Manitoba governments have established some programs to make it easier to do this. The Post-Graduation Work Permit allows graduates to work for up to three years (depending on your length of study). Many graduates also apply for the Manitoba Provincial Nominee program; if the province nominates you, this can assist your federal (Canadian) application for Permanent Residence.

However, we emphasize that there are no guarantees that graduates can find employment in the time allowed after completion of studies, or that the Province or Manitoba or Canadian government will approve each person's application. For more details, visit the Provincial Nominee website and the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada website.